Home Forum Ask A Member 1980s Evinride 7.5

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      I have an 80s 7.5 Evinrude that has no spark on the bottom cyl. It will run on the top cyl only. Compression is even at 95psi. Is this likely a dead coil? Could it be the CDI? I have a parts motor that is a year or two older but the electrical parts do not look compatible as the one has individual coils and the other has coils attached to the other wiring.


        US Member

        Easiest way to determine if it’s a coil is to swap them around. Unplug them from the ampehnol plug and swap them. If the issue follows the coils, you’ll know if it’s a coil. Also, check all coil and pack grounds.

        If the coils check out, next best bet would be the power pack.


          Thanks, now why did I not think of that. Good advice. I’ll check that and get back to you’ll.


            International Member

            99% of the time it is the powerpack/CDI unit


              Is it not possible to switch the wires from the CDI. I did this and the problem moved to the other cyl.


                US Member - 2 Years

                Which CDI did you move from which motor? If it is what I’m thinking both boxes need a S.C.R.
                I have done Mercury’s but no OMC’s yet. Use potting solvent & see if you can read the factory part number on either SCR as they each have one per cylinder it sounds like.


                  What is an SCR?


                    US Member - 2 Years
                    quote mgsolakis:

                    Is it not possible to switch the wires from the CDI. I did this and the problem moved to the other cyl.

                    I’m confused. Yes, it is a little tricky to move those primary leads in the rubber connector, but it can be done. They make, or you could make jumper leads with the pins/sockets so you can swap the leads without pushing the pins out of the rubber connectors.
                    But then it seems like you go on to say that you DID move the leads, and when you did the opposite cylinder lost spark. This would indicate that both coils sparked when you connected each one to the good primary lead coming from the pack. If I have this right, that usually indicates a bad power pack/CDI unit.
                    Nonetheless, all of the other components should be checked as well. Marginal components/connections might have caused the powerpack/CDI to fail, you don’t want the new powerpack to prematurely fail as well.

                      quote mgsolakis:

                      What is an SCR?

                      Silicon Controlled Rectifier: a diode (passing current in only one direction) than can be turned on and off: used as a switch
                      (actually you can only turn them on: once on they stay there until power removed!)

                      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon-c … _rectifier


                        I actually have 2 other CDI units for this motor but they are different and don’t have the same leads.

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