Home Forum Ask A Member 1958 Johnson 5.5hp carb/starting problem *FIXED* Re: 1958 Johnson 5.5hp carb/starting problem

Eric McNett
    quote outbdnut2:

    quote Lloyd Lautner:

    Are you sure this motor has high enough compression to run at all?

    His compression is likely a bit higher due to the volume of air in the tester hose, as the check valve is at the gauge end.

    This gauge is odd as it hasthe release on the gauge and a shrader valve where it screws into the plug hole.

    quote outbdnut2:

    I’d spray some starting fluid in the carb and see if it fires on that, and then it may stay running long enough to tweek the carb adjustments. Use starting fluid that contains lubricant – most brands do.

    Im reluctant to use starting fluid as once its used engines tend not to want to start without it and id like to avoid that if i ever sell it.

    Eric McNett
    Seattle AOMCI Member