Home Forum Ask A Member FD-12 Shocking Experience Re: FD-12 Shocking Experience


    Canada Member - 2 Years

    I doubt the kill switch is the cause as it only links the two sets of points " ground condition" to…. each other’s point sets hence, nullifying the point’s break condition on the primaries…… thus preventing a collapse of the primary coil current (which in turn normally creates the magnetic field to induce into the secondary coils and produce the high voltage spike to the plugs.

    the zap you get is because you are a lesser resistance return path to ground . Feed it an even lesser resistance path than your body with a piece of copper wire mesh (mag plate to engine block and…. engine block to the boat aluminum structure. Either wire should stop your body becoming a path to ground.

    Of course finding the problem is an better solution 🙂

    taking the kill switch out only…prevents the motor from shutting down …….unless choked

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