Home Forum Ask A Member spacers for manual starter on 25hp?

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      I have a 1982 manual start 25hp (tiller). I picked up this motor and the manual starter was not attached, and it does not appear to fit at the right height with the typical 3 x 1/4" bolts that usually hold them down.

      I looked up parts diagrams for this motor on both system match and marine engine, but neither indicate a part number which acts as a spacer to get the starter lined up correctly to engage the flywheel with the pawl.

      Anyone know what part number I’m looking for, or at the very least, what depth those spacers should be? I’m sure I could fabricate something, but it would save me a lot of time if I at least knew how thick they need to be to line everything up.

      It looks like the last person tried using it on their, and scraped up the flywheel all over the place by running it with the starter scratching up the flywheel.


        US Member - 2 Years

        OK, well the rubber spacers/mounts on those rewind starters weren’t introduced until later in the 80s, perhaps someone replaced the original rewind with a later one and didn’t know about the mounts/spacers.
        http://www.marineengine.com/parts/johns … +Crankcase
        reference numbers 87,88


          Rather than spending $100.00 on these spacers, I was able to use some hardware from the local hardware store for about $3.00. For those interested, it is a 3/4 rise needed to line everything up the right way, and approx. 3" 1/4 screws.

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