David Dufresne of Salem Ohio sent this photo of his nicely restored
1929 Mullins Steel King powered by a 1954 Evinrude Fleetwin 7.5hp. Photo
was taken at a Western Reserve Meet on the Portage Lakes near Akron, Ohio.

Scott Smith of the 1000 Islands Chapter breaks a mirror surface with a
1946 Wizard WD4, with a little help from 7-year old Adam.

Here is a great shot of Michael Squier's 1931 Thompson 16' TVT lake boat powered by his very clean original 1930 Johnson
K50. The boat has been in his family since it was new. The passenger is Hobbes, his 11 year old
German Shepherd. Mike says once he's in the boat you can't get him

Here are a couple of shots of Ron Vaughan Jr. running a couple of his
family's motors. On the left is a 1935 Sea King model #492,
8.5hp. The motor has been in his family since new! On the
right is a 1950 Mercury KF7 with Ron at the helm. And they say Mercs
don't idle (or was it running one one cylinder?)

Rick Eichrodt sent these shots of his Dad running their 1956 Mercury
Mark 25 at the September 2000 MOB Wet Meet on Lake Webster in Indiana.

Wes Goodhue of Sea Island, Georgia, is shown here in his Penn Yan
Swift/Evinrude Big Twin rig.

AOMCI Western Reserve Chapter President David Dufresne of Salem, Ohio
is shown playing around with a 1926 Elto Ruddertwin on a 1915 Mullins
Outboard Special.

What does a little guy with a big Merc grow up to be? A big guy
with a little Merc! Brian Mitsch of Berlin Center, Ohio is shown at
left in an old newspaper clipping with a Merc bigger than he is! At
right he's all grown up, still playing with Mercs - this one a KG7 on
vintage utility.

This beast is owned by Tom Glock of Cream Ridge, NJ. The Miss
P-Piggy is a Feathercraft Rocket, and it is powered by a 44 cui. Mercury
hybrid. Tom is still trying to get all the bugs worked out, but it
ought to be a wild ride when it's done! (Boat photo by Geoff Martin, motor
photo from Tom Glock).

This little Picklefork hydro (Yale hull w/ Mercury25SS) is owned by
Roger ( "Roger Rabbitt") Halbing of Barnegat, NJ. (Photos
submitted by Tom Glock.)