Home Forum Ask A Member Shipping a Motor

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      What sort of rates have you guys seen to ship a motor, fairly big one, across the US? Worst case scenario. May be selling one and buyer would like an idea. I have been told 300 to 400 for ground? Sound about right?


        Depends on the motor you are shipping, I have been able to ship a motor from New York to Texas for 65 bucks for a 5hp KF5. But if you reach the magic number of total measurements the price makes a significant jump so the best way is to find a box weigh everything and start plugging in numbers into ups, usps, FedEx and greyhound and get quotes. I suggest wrapping it in a trash bag and use spray foam around it.


          US Member

          take the powerhead off and ship in 2 boxes makes it cheaper


            US Member

            I’ve done it both ways, disassembly vs. intact. Both work well if you take the time to do it right. Tossing a motor in a box with a couple crumpled up newspapers isn’t going to cut it. Smaller motors can be shipped intact in a sturdy box with either a framework built into it or plenty of cardboard to support it. Some have used spray foam in a bag to provide support. The bigger the motor, the more I would lean toward disassembly. Remove tiller handle, and other bits that stick out and can break off. I shipped a Johnson P years back and it went in two boxes quite nicely. Intact would have taken a wooden crate.


              FedEx ground has been the best for me, average weight being about 80-90 lbs. I am fortunate enough to have a FedEx facility near me.
              In my experience if the motor is being shipped from a remote area via shipping facillity thats when it can get expensive once their fees
              are added. ( in one case all most double the shipping cost. )

              I prefer wooden crates.

              Just something to take into consideration.



                I use and recommend Fedex Ground. I use Mercury factory pallet boxes that the dealer is glad to avoid paying tipping fees to get rid of. If you use a box, plastic drink bottles make good filler.

                Deliver to the carrier if possible. Forward Air will accept motors strapped to a pallet. You have to take it to their terminal, usually at the airport. Fastenall is another shipper but last time I checked their rate was about the highest.

                And, yes, freight rates have gone way up in the last few years.

                Goof luck. JW in Dixie

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