(-: Hi from Al & Skip :-)
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The Archive Team

A special thanks to the following AOMCI members that helped make this immense project possible. If you never attempted a large scanning project like this, you cannot appreciate the effort required. It takes forever. Many thanks to those that participated!

The Management

Dennis Evinrude - President, AOMCI: for written permission to preserve and reproduce this historical copyrighted material.

Al Klebek: for the scanning help, graphics and testing assistance, overall project co-ordination, and most of all for the GREAT idea.

The Staff

Ken Denman: for the scanning help
Rich Eichrodt:: for the scanning help
Dick Gorz:: for the scanning help
Tim Irwin:: for the scanning help
Bob Peterson: for providing missing issues
Mike Seachrist: for the scanning help
Gary Spencer: for the scanning help
Scott Smith: for the scanning help

The Original Webmaster

Skip Hagerman: for the scanning help, graphics and testing assistance, web and CD design, and general technical support to Al, who had no idea of the immense size of this project.

Phil Budne: for light massage for the AOMCI web site. Thanks again to all for a job well done! If this historical information generates but one new member to the club, our effort is well rewarded.

For information on joining the fun, connect to the Internet, then click the following link:

The Antique Outboard Motor Club, Inc.