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Public/Non Members (17)
- F/S (5)
- Wanted to Buy (6)
WTB crankshaft for 1956 Johnson 15 HP FD10
Looking for NOS or excellent condition crankshaft with no rust or damage to bearing surfaces. Crankshaft is OMC 277594 or…
Total views: 11
Total views: 11
Wanted: driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod
Wanted: Driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod 6NHR or Swanson/CPM Hot Rod. Must be nice and useable. Cooper Jess 920-748-7620
Total views: 9
Total views: 9
For sale at Rocky Hill
For sale at Rocky Hill Motors from Dave Bono's collection. 195? Mercury Mark 25E with wiring harness, fuel hose. No…
Total views: 45
Total views: 45
Parts Wanted in Coventry Ct
I'm looking for the following parts to complete some projects. Wisconsin RBM timer lever in any condition. 1915 Caille RBM…
Total views: 25
Total views: 25
For Sale Two Johnson motors 1948 KD15 1955 QD16
$225.00 for each motor or $400.00 for the pair. Both motors are restored and ready to go.
Total views: 76
Total views: 76
1959 Taft Craft 14' Runabout - (New Trailer Bearings and Tires)
14' Taft kit boat for sale with Golden Rod trailer. These boats were a mail-order/freight type, and assembled by the…
Total views: 198
Total views: 198
Gearcase Wanted
I'm looking for a Johnson SR/VR gearcase. I will be at the Rocky Hill Meet.
Total views: 17
Total views: 17
vintage boat trailer
I believe the trailer is a 1956 model of the Moody MFG CO. "Magnolia Craft trailer" . Single axle, leaf…
Total views: 44
Total views: 44
Classic Mercury exhaust megaphone
This manifold will allow most 2 cylinder 15 & 20 c.i. to allow exhaust gases to exit unimpaired & with…
Total views: 64
Total views: 64