AOMCI Outboarder Magazines ***never opened*** Free
AOMCI Outboarder Magazines ***Never Opened*** Free Just had no time for these. ***FREE*** Come pickup in Londonderry, NH Gary
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Want to buy: ELTO Speedster timer and Lockwood Chief powehead
I am in need of a complete timer assembly (housing, internals, top cover and preferably timer link) for a 1929…
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Chris Craft Commander Parts
Looking to purchase side panels for my early 50's Chris Craft Commander.
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Port side cylinder for 1928 Elto Speedster
Hello all! I am in search of a good cylinder for a 1928 Elto Speedster (Port Side). I bought a…
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1950s Mercury Mark5 $150.00
Has spark, will fire, complete motor. Bad paint by previous owner. Have owners guide. Excellent restoration project.
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1940 Waterwitch carburetor Breather cover
I'M looking for the little round breather cover on the 3/4 HP Waterwitch 571.33 it has two screw holes and…
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1929 Elto Lightweight 3.5 HP folding motor
I need a fuel tank and fuel line, prop and nut, coil and bracket.
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WTB crankshaft for 1956 Johnson 15 HP FD10
Looking for NOS or excellent condition crankshaft with no rust or damage to bearing surfaces. Crankshaft is OMC 277594 or…
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Wanted: driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod
Wanted: Driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod 6NHR or Swanson/CPM Hot Rod. Must be nice and useable. Cooper Jess 920-748-7620
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Total views: 9