AOMCI Outboarder Magazines ***never opened*** Free

AOMCI Outboarder Magazines ***never opened*** Free

AOMCI Outboarder Magazines ***Never Opened*** Free Just had no time for these. ***FREE*** Come pickup in Londonderry, NH Gary
Total views: 1
Want to buy: ELTO Speedster timer and Lockwood Chief powehead

Want to buy: ELTO Speedster timer and Lockwood Chief powehead

I am in need of a complete timer assembly (housing, internals, top cover and preferably timer link) for a 1929…
Total views: 13
Chris Craft Commander Parts

Chris Craft Commander Parts

Looking to purchase side panels for my early 50's Chris Craft Commander.
Total views: 2
Port side cylinder for 1928 Elto Speedster

Port side cylinder for 1928 Elto Speedster

Hello all! I am in search of a good cylinder for a 1928 Elto Speedster (Port Side). I bought a…
Total views: 16
1950s Mercury Mark5 $150.00

1950s Mercury Mark5 $150.00

Has spark, will fire, complete motor. Bad paint by previous owner. Have owners guide. Excellent restoration project.
Total views: 22
1940 Waterwitch carburetor Breather cover

1940 Waterwitch carburetor Breather cover

I'M looking for the little round breather cover on the 3/4 HP Waterwitch 571.33 it has two screw holes and…
Total views: 5
1929 Elto Lightweight 3.5 HP folding motor

1929 Elto Lightweight 3.5 HP folding motor

I need a fuel tank and fuel line, prop and nut, coil and bracket.
Total views: 7
Wanted to Buy

Wanted to Buy

Wanted: 1956 Johnson javelin 30 HP face plate
Total views: 7
WTB crankshaft for 1956 Johnson 15 HP FD10

WTB crankshaft for 1956 Johnson 15 HP FD10

Looking for NOS or excellent condition crankshaft with no rust or damage to bearing surfaces. Crankshaft is OMC 277594 or…
Total views: 14
Wanted: driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod

Wanted: driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod

Wanted: Driveshaft for Champion Hot Rod 6NHR or Swanson/CPM Hot Rod. Must be nice and useable. Cooper Jess 920-748-7620
Total views: 9