Located on NYS Route 30 in Wells, NY on Lake Algonquin, the meet is about 25 miles North of the City of Amsterdam, NY. Look for the MH AOMCI sign.
Held at Tim Cantele’s family camp, the location supports the use of boats that can dock at Tim’s and some of his neighbors. There is a boat launch on the opposite site of the lake. A rowboat will be available for those who want to run a small (10 HP or less) motor. A chicken dinner is available for $10 (advance reservation is appreciated) plus there will be burgers and dogs. Coffee and donuts in the morning, free will offering donations accepted and will go to the town ambulance corp. This will be the 2nd year and we hope it will be even bigger than last year!
Contacts: Michael Glenn mglen2@nycap.rr.com 518-505-3558
Tim Cantele 518-378-6125