Home Forum Ask A Member 1930 Elto Speedster Model 310, 14 hp

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      US Member

      The subject motor followed me home today, so
      now more detective work is needed.
      It was suggested that the gas tank and magneto
      are incorrect, and off of a Speeditwin.

      I doesn’t look like the gas tank mounts were altered, i.e.,
      moved and rewelded, as the original decal is not burnt.
      That said, I have no idea if the Speedster and Speeditwin
      gas tanks were identical except the decals. Anyone know?

      Was a magneto an option with the 1930 Speedster, or
      was there only battery ignition?
      Lots of 1929 Speedsters
      on YouTube, all with battery ignition.

      Would the tiller handle I have be an Speedster or Speeditwin?
      It has number 100143 cast on it. The reason I ask, there’s
      a steel spacer on each side where the grab handle mounts
      to the power head. Are those spacers a retro fit?

      Anyone have any digital data for this motor?
      Many thanks, and more questions to come!


      Prepare to be boarded!


        I connect the blue tank decal with post-war years. I wonder if a dealer "freshened up" the original tank?


          US Member

          It turns out that the gas tank is the least of my problems with
          this Elto. The project is going downhill faster than a Himalayian
          bob sled team. I took the flywheel nut and cover plate off
          and just about fainted. I thought the twelve bolts going thru
          the flywheel were some sort of medieval crack repair, but
          I think it was just "making the wrong parts work. Looks
          like a ticking time bomb to me!

          The points cam with the twelve threaded holes looks factory,
          but not sure for what motor. It doesn’t seem to fit on the
          top of the crankshaft taper, but rather held to the crankshaft
          with a allen screw or pin, that I can’t get out.

          That’s the biggest outboard condenser I’ve ever seen!

          If anyone has any clues if the points cam is original I’d
          be thrilled to know. If so, was if for a battery ignition
          type magneto and flywheel?

          Not sure what it would take to get this ignition back to
          original, or at least safe, do you?

          Guy I got it from today said he took it on trade. I don’t
          think he ever worked on it, so I don’t know who to laugh at….
          perhaps Rube Goldberg himself!


          Prepare to be boarded!


            US Member

            Hope you marked the fly wheel or you wont have it timed correctly.

            PM T2

              Canada Member

              Might be the right tank, but with wrong decal.

              The magneto doesn’t even look like its Evinrude. Looks more like Johnson to me.

              All model 310’s would have been equipped with battery ignition from the factory. Model 311 would be electric-start. The 310 should have a cast iron flywheel with the typical Elto aluminum starter knob on it.

              The tiller handle you have is correct, its the short version. There is a longer tiller handle that was also available. no spacers per se, just one friction washer (part # 170114)

              I have a service manual with parts list that I can scan, but I’m busy for the next few days, so won’t get to it until Monday most likely.

              Don’t worry too much about the timing, you just have to position the pistons at TDC and set the cam so the points are just starting to move, and you should be in the ballpark at least. But would be better if you either acquire the original flywheel and timer, or else convert it to an Evinrude magneto, but at the moment I can’t exactly say which Evinrude magneto you’d even be looking for. Probably one for a Speeditwin would work, depending on your crankshaft taper. I bet what has happened is that somebody cut the hub out of one flywheel and grafted it to a different make altogether.

              Hope this helps eh

              PM T2

              He's livin' in his own private Idaho..... I hope to go out quietly in my sleep, like my grand-dad did..... and not screaming, like the passengers in his car...


                US Member

                Take a deep breath and have a chuckle.
                I am always amazed at what people would do to get a motor running. It just wasn’t a throw away society back then.
                You can post an ad for the correct flywheel and coil.
                The tiller handle looks like it’s off another motor.
                I’ve seen worse turn out to be good running motors.
                If it were near me I would have bought it too.
                I like Eltos and can’t wait to see videos of this one running. Good luck.

                PM T2

                  Canada Member

                  Screw it, I’l just do it…. at least part of it anyway

                  PM t2

                  He's livin' in his own private Idaho..... I hope to go out quietly in my sleep, like my grand-dad did..... and not screaming, like the passengers in his car...

                  PM T2

                    Canada Member

                    and so….

                    He's livin' in his own private Idaho..... I hope to go out quietly in my sleep, like my grand-dad did..... and not screaming, like the passengers in his car...

                    PM T2

                      Canada Member


                      He's livin' in his own private Idaho..... I hope to go out quietly in my sleep, like my grand-dad did..... and not screaming, like the passengers in his car...

                      PM T2

                        Canada Member

                        any other parts in the book after this page are electric-start specific

                        He's livin' in his own private Idaho..... I hope to go out quietly in my sleep, like my grand-dad did..... and not screaming, like the passengers in his car...

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