Home Forum Ask A Member 1940 Handitwin

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  • #182492

      Hello all,
      Just got this 1940 handitwin running, had to replace the coil, spark plug wires, and rebuild the Carburator. Now it starts first pull but I had some concerns…
      1 I can see some small “bubbles” or bubbling from the bottem of both cylinders where they meet the crank case.. is this Normal? Or do I have leaking cylinders…..
      2 I had it running a few but then it stalled and I was unable to get it to restart until it cooled down. Is this related to the first issue or do I just not know what I’m doing as this is my first engine of this vintage..
      3 I had some fuel coming from the priming lever but not sure why? Could this be an issue I am not aware of ?

      Any thoughts please feel free to educate me…. thanks


        Lifetime Member

        I don’t know if you have this parts book – but it comes in handy some times . . .

        Leaking around the cylinders is not normal. It indicates a warped crank case or blown gasket from loose cylinder nuts. The gasket is very thin. We used unbleached butcher paper. Checking the cylinders for high spots is easy. Checking the crankcase will require complete disassembly. Leaks at the base can usually be fixed with a new (heavier) gasket on the driveshaft housing. The dripping from the primer would indicate check valve leakage and/or improper check valve bumper clearance. OR the float level could be too high. That is covered in these service manual pages . . .

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