Home Forum Ask A Member 1954 evinrude 15hp armature plate

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    Craig Allen

      US Member

      Hey guys. I have a 1954 evinrude 15hp. there is too much space between the armature plate and the retaining ring.I can make the armature plate wobble with my hands. When I start the motor, the armature plate vibrates. I realize this fit has to. be loose enough so that the armature plate can move, but I thin k the fit should be firm. I have thought about adding some washers to the screws going down to the retaining ring, thinking this might tighten the fit. Can anyone give me advice? Also, my roller keeps running off the end of the throttle cam and getting stuck there. I have tried to limit the travel at the throttle control gear and pinion with no luck.  Any suggestions? Thanks Craig.


        US Member

        As you might think, a loose magneto plate is not good as it will affect the point gap and therefore igniting timing. Is the “slop” up and down or more sideways? Up and down will be fixable, sideways not so much.

        Joe B

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          US Member

          Take a look at the mounting ring that the magplate screws into. The flat side goes up and the beveled side goes down. This is depicted incorrectly upside down in many of the parts diagrams.


          1 user thanked author for this post.


            Armature plate rotation is normally limited by the shifter interlock #4.



            1 user thanked author for this post.
            Craig Allen

              US Member

              the slop is up and down

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              Craig Allen

                US Member

                wow! That’s my problem. I have been going by the parts diagram. Thanks so much. I cannot  believe they would show  it the wrong way.

                Craig Allen

                  US Member

                  I will check this out. thanks

                  Craig Allen

                    US Member

                    I checked this out and the interlock only stops the armature plate  movement in the counterclockwise direction ie. increasing the throttle. When you turn to the stop position there is no stop that I can find.My throttle control cam is adjusted all the way out and the roller gets stuck behind the end of the cam.  If i adjust the cam all the way in, the roller might not get stuck but the roller and the timing mark will be way off. What do you think?


                      US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                      Well actually, it is not shown upside down.  What they did was save money by reusing an older drawing where the “flat side” was stepped down to make room for a wave washer to provide friction to make the throttle stay where you put it (motors without twist-grip throttle control).  Wave washer was not used on such motors and the flat side was actually flat.  Guess they didn’t figure on people actually paying attention to the drawing.



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                      Steve D

                        “Also, my roller keeps running off the end of the throttle cam and getting stuck there.”

                        Not sure if this would apply to your motor but I’ve seen where the link and stop assy. #14 gets badly worn and also creates a groove where it hits the shifter lock and that little bit of extra travel causes the throttle to be advanced too far, and as a result the roller runs off the end of the throttle cam.


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