Home Forum Ask A Member 1955 55e starter removal

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  • #286410
    Steve Frankwitz


      hello all,

      i am stumped on this starter removal,it is a swing arm starter,this year only .

      please dont reply unless you have taken this specific starter out .

      ive been a mechanic professionally for 40 years and own my own shop,and ive taken all sorts of starters out on everything imaginable.

      by the looks of this ,i need to remove the flywheel to remove the overload spring and swing arm to get to the bolts that mount the starter itself which look like

      they are under the swing arm .chime in if you have a REAL procedure to get it out please .

      ive posted on vintage mercury sites and everyone says just pull the bolts out …….NOOOOO……no its not a typical delco-remy style.

      Steve Frankwitz



        Canada Member

        1955  55 evinrude  ??? seems they started making 55s in 1968 ??


        post your plate info


        in any event remove  whatever is obstructing  the bolts  (no choice) … if you need to remove the FW   great          you can check in on ignition components

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        Steve Frankwitz

          hello again

          sorry about the lack of info

          1955 merc mark 55 E

          s/n 899192

          merc lectric

          magneto ignition


          Steve Frankwitz

            attatched pics



              Canada Member

              55E   Merc…  should have known… I am more J&E type 🙂  but I have been on the dark side a few times.  Being a holiday  …Dave B should know .. maybe tonight or tomorrow.


              I would pull the FW  anyway just to look see…. maybe that fat silver/ bolt behind the  starter  may come out and loosen things up

              Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                US Member - 2 Years

                Yes, My first clue was swing starter being a Mercury. Look in the directry for Dave Bernsrd. He is a good friend of mine. He is in New York & he knows all aobut swing starters. He makes them work again but they are troublesome. Dave has had some health issues lately but I will e mail him to let him know you need help on this one.I just e mailed him you need help. Dave has worked on <ercurys from the early 50’s.

                1 user thanked author for this post.

                  US Member

                  call me 1 914 310 7086 Dave

                  Steve Frankwitz

                    Dave , Steve Frankwitz here . Your buddy Jeff thought you may be able to aid in removal  instructions of a 1955 merc 55e swing arm starter . It works but hangs up on the overload spring. I saw the service bulletin from merc on greasing it near the outside , but I really want to remove it and get it gone through as it has sat idle since 1968 when my dad passed away . Does the flywheel need to come off ? Sure seems like it to me to gain acesss to the bolts on the top under the swing arm.



                      US Member


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