I was at another outboard enthusiast’s shed Te other day and came across this interesting difference on these two 1960’s 3hp Johnson motors.
As you can see from the pics, one has the normal 8-hole exhaust and cooling water relief, while the other has a 4-hole one.
Is this quite common? I’ve never seen the 4-hole one before.
I believe you will find this as a factory update (Service Bulletin) sent out to dealers as the motor comes in. It said why and how to add the extra holes, and drill them to size match, but I would have to pull out the "stick" and load it to my computer. Garry from Tampa our great senior member sent me the factory update stuff years ago.
Looks like one is a JW series with the angled weedless drive, and the other is the JH series high thrust 90 degree angle drive for use on a sailboat as a kicker.