Home Forum Ask A Member 1961 40hp Johnson RDS-23 Wiring Questions

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      Canada Member

      I have a 1961 Johnson 40HP that came to me with no wiring or controls. I want to use it as a temporary motor while I look for a higher HP motor for my Johnson gull wing. The only wiring going into it is two wires – a ground that has battery post clamp on it and a red positive going straight to the starter (it has a typical washer-type connector on the end). I’m assuming that this one went to a starter solenoid, and then there were wires running from that to the starter switch and the ammeter, etc. (the ammeter is still on the boat I am putting this on, but I have no starter switch.)

      I’m wondering what the most basic wiring setup I could get away with, considering this is just a stop gap. I know I’ll need a starter solenoid. Is there anything else I need – a fuse terminal before the switches, maybe? Do i need a voltage regulator? I’m assuming this motor has a generator. Is that correct?

      If anyone has a Wiring Diagram that would be a huge help. Can’t find one anywhere online. I did find this parts diagram. https://www.marineengine.com/parts/johnson-evinrude-parts.php?year=1961&hp=40&model=RDS-23&manufacturer=Johnson&section=Electrical+Starter+Group

      Mostly what I’m looking for is some advice. Di I need to find a junction box, or can I just mount the solenoid onto something for the time being?

      Thanks in advance!


        Here is a wiring diagram without generator. Youll need to tell us if you have a generator or not. You don’t NEED the actual box, you can make something up yourself. The OEM box should not be hard nor expensive to find however. Post a wanted ad here on the site.



          Canada Member

          Hey, thanks, Chris. I’ll check for the generator and let you know if it has one.




            You need a "real" OMC-type solenoid. Don’t go to the auto parts store and buy a Ford solenoid. It looks exactly the same but won’t work and will burn up the mercury switch.

            OK, conceding to the naysayers, it is possible to use the Ford if you know what you are doing, but you won’t have the safety switch function.


              Canada Member

              Thanks Frank – I won’t take the chance. Good tip.


                You could always mount the solenoid under the hood and install a push-button starter switch to the lower cowl if you don’t mind starting the motor at the motor. You would have to manually choke it. You could also install a kill switch (push-button) on the cowl.


                  Canada Member

                  https://www.amazon.ca/EtoparsTM-Vehicle … n+switches

                  1 to start 1 to stop and a few left over

                  or a nice red one for starting…
                  https://www.amazon.ca/Momentary-Stainle … n+switches

                  Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

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