I have a 1965 Johnson 6hp that has been repainted kinda poorly. Cleaning the old paint off it looks like the whole engine was an off white/light beige color. However in looking at the 1965 advertising brochure, it would appear that just the cover/cowl was the light beige color and the rest of the motor was a light gray.
The upper cowl color was called Warm White and the rest of the motor was French Silver.
Matching paints can be found at:
1937 Champion D2C Deluxe Lite Twin
1954 Johnson CD-11
1955 Johnson QD-16
1957 Evinrude Fastwin 18
1958 Johnson QD-19
1958 Johnson FD-12
1959 Johnson QD-20
“Every 20 minute job is only a broken bolt away from a 3-day project.”
"Every time you remove a broken or seized bolt an angel gets his wings."