Home Forum Ask A Member 1969 Johnson 25R69D

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      So after a pretty bad experience with an outboard I bought on craigslist a while back I’m looking to buy a replacement motor 🙁 I’m hoping I will have better luck this time around. I’ve found a 1969 Johnson 25R69D for $600. Does anyone have any experience with model?



        Only fault I would find is they don’t idle as well as pre-1968 models. So if you want an all-day trolling motor, this probably isn’t it. Otherwise, a good motor and better than some that followed it in later years.

        As always, condition is everything.

        You be the judge on the price. I’m too cheap.

        EDIT: Maybe I was too harsh. The ’69 idled pretty well, just not as good as they used to be. They didn’t manage to make a really poor idling "improvement" till 1973.


          Thanks for the info Frank! One thing that kind of attracted me to this motor is that it seems to use a lot of the same parts as my existing outboard. I kind of like the idea of having extra parts and it makes me feel like I haven’t completely wasted my money on my existing motor.

          Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be a lot of used outboards available in my area, at least not on Craigslist, so I don’t really have much to compare it to in terms of price. This motor is about 2.5 hours from where i’m located and it is more than I wanted to spend but it does seem to be pretty well aligned with outboard prices in this area. Maybe i’m looking in the wrong places?

          Although I haven’t read anything about this specific model, from what I’ve read, Johnson’s from this time period seem to be pretty reliable and somewhat easier to work on compared to other outboards.


            US Member - 2 Years

            Well, $600 for a 69 25hp is pretty steep, so it had better be in pretty nice cosmetic and mechanical shape. I’m assuming it has never seen salt water as well. Check it over carefully, look for bent/cracked/broken castings. Make sure the gearcase skeg is in good shape and not bent/chipped.
            I would surely crack the lower gear lube fill screw to ensure the lube is clean/no water. Check compression and look for signs over overheating.
            These engines/gearcases seem prone to clutch dog wear and those repairs are expensive. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing if this problem exists without running it on a boat.
            Please don’t misinterpret my comments, these are good engines. BUT, $600 is a premium price for the engine so I want you to do everything possible to make sure the engine’s condition warrants the price. And, I’m not sure just how many parts are interchangeable between this engine and older ones.


              Are there no member swap meets in your area?


                Back in the early to mid 1970’s I had a ’69’ Johnson 25hp, short shaft, tiller model. It ran like a "raped ape", I had a friend with a new ’74’ Johnson 25hp and I could outrun him and we had identical boats. Of course I took my motor to high school shop class and had it running great, I could pull one cylinder over with the rope and it would start right up.


                  US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK
                  quote morelor:

                  Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be a lot of used outboards available in my area, at least not on Craigslist, so I don’t really have much to compare it to in terms of price. This motor is about 2.5 hours from where i’m located and it is more than I wanted to spend but it does seem to be pretty well aligned with outboard prices in this area. Maybe i’m looking in the wrong places?

                  Where are you located?


                    Thanks fleetwin, good information to know! I’ll be sure to check all those things if I go look at although I have to say i’m feeling a little more hesitant of making the trip to go look at the motor. 5 hours driving (round trip) is not sounding very appealing if this motor is indeed overpriced at $600.

                    For what it’s worth, here is the ad for the motor:

                    From photos it appears to be in good shape for the age, although that doesn’t mean much without seeing it in person and running it.

                    Chris_P, i’m not aware of any member swap meets in my area but there might be.

                    FrankR, I’m located in southern Ohio, a little east of Cincinnati.


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      Again, I’m not saying it IS overpriced, just saying it needs to be in great shape to worth that kind of money. And, he is "asking" $600, you may be able to negotiate a little lower price.
                      I read the ad, it DOES have electric start, that’s a plus. Just have a look at the wiring to make sure it isn’t split/hacked up. Sure "looks nice", I doubt it has been near salt water. Does the stand come with it? Ask about a fuel tank, but keep in mind it may be fouled inside. I would ask the seller for some close up pictures with the cover off, perhaps that might give a little more information. Let the seller know you are driving a great distance and you would appreciate an honest assessment of the engine to avoid wasting time and gas. I’m guessing the seller’s dad hasn’t used the engine in some years, but ask when the last time it was run.
                      Keep in mind that regardless of condition, expect to do some servicing to the engine in order to make it a reliable daily runner:
                      Inspect, clean and adjust ignition system
                      Service fuel system and carb
                      Remove gearcase, replace water pump impeller, change gear lube
                      This engine might be worth a look after seeing more pictures and asking a few more questions….


                        US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                        You didn’t mention it is electric start. And he "claims" it runs like a champ. I can’t tell you what that’s worth in your area, you will have to decide. And I imagine you might not want to wait all summer (year) to get something repaired and running. Or does time matter to you?

                        BTW, there is a meet on June 20 at Ft Laramie OH. I believe I drive more miles to some meets than that. Consider running a free want ad on the Webvertize pages. You might connect with somebody that can deliver to the meet.

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