The complete motor was stripped down to every nut and bolt for rebuilding and all of the painted surfaces were glass beaded and smoothed using Bondo and elbow grease. Paint used was a DuPont automotive base/clear system and was sprayed using a touch up gun instead of a full size gun. This CD only got one or two light coats of clear instead of the usual three as I remember I was running out of material that day. It must of been cloudy the day the photo was taken as the motor does have a shine to it. And the shine it does have is without wet sanding and polishing the clear. The clear went on wet and didn’t have any sags so once it kicked off from the activator added to it, I just left it.
The other motor is my Mish Mash motor, assembled from extra ’54 – ’58 J/E/Elto parts laying around the shop. The powerhead got fully rebuilt just like the others but I decided to leave the exterior au naturel. The bare aluminum on the back of the block just above the head is from when it was resurfaced on the lathe. The cylinder head would have gotten the same treatment. It ran good in the barrel the last time I used it but it really deserves to go for a lake run sometime.