I have an ad posted concerning a needed part but appealing to everyone in this forum. I have a Caille Model 51 23hp with 5-speed gearfoot. I’ve been looking for a gearfoot for 35 years now and finally scored one but it is missing what is called the “rack” which is the part that moves back and forth and connects to the gears inside the propeller that feathers the blades. If anyone has one, I need to borrow it and would be willing to pay a fee to use it, have the dimensions copied, and return it. My motor is a long shaft and does not appear in the catalog, but the standard version does. Both use the same gearfoot. This project can’t be done without the help of our membership. The picture shows the shifting assembly, but what is needed is the part on the left. Arrows indicate the part.
George Emmanuel, Treasurer, AOMCI