Home Forum Ask A Member 36 Handitwin cleaning & coating gas tank

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  • #292563
    T….in Wisconsin

      US Member

      I have a 1936 Handitwin tank that has some ligth rust. This is my first time using a cleaner (Evaporust) & coater (Kreem). Kreem will arrive tomorrow. Is it okay to clean the tank one day and coat the next day or should the coating be done right after cleaning. All advice and comments welcome.




        Canada Member - 2 Years

        doesn’t look that bad  down there… tried   a handfull of nuts  and  acetone wash ?

        does it leak anywhere ? …to need a sealing job ?


        crocodile skin needs to go 🙂

        Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

        T….in Wisconsin

          US Member

          No leaks, tank is solid, it does look good other than the little surface rust.

          I’ll do as advised and go from there.

          Crocodile skin was years in the making and difficult to dupliucate :>). I’ll put on a new decal skin on down the road. I retrofitted the old coil with 2 modern coils. I’ll do seperate post on that.

          I have no experience on when cleaning and coating is the best option.

          Thanks for the feedback


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