Home Forum Ask A Member ’83 ERude E5RHCTA 4.5 hp carb tune-up literature

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  • #18409

      Since we’re discussing the (dubious) horrors of alcohol-enriched fuels and legacy carburetors, I thought to mention something.

      It’s ironic to a degree, but as we go back further in time, these instruments actually become +less+ susceptible to the ravages of alcohol than those produced at later dates. Think about it..

      Back in the WWII era, and earlier, plastic and rubber-based materials saw little use in gasoline engine carburetors. Carbs made up through the mid-1960s often lacked any materials that were subject to attack by alcohol. Gaskets were made of cork, compressed paper and fiber, Sealing washers and glands were either fiber or copper. Floats were made of soldered brass – or (nitrocellulose?) varnish coated cork. Packings were sometimes graphite impregnated rope, as in a faucet.

      None of these, with the exception of some coated cork floats, suffered any degradation from alcohol in the fuels.

      It was only with the advent and widespread use of various natural and synthetic rubber / plastic materials that any of this became a concern. Consequently, you’ll virtually never see an ‘alcohol proof’ rebuild kit for a 1939 BSA M20 motrocycle carb, or anything of that ilk, from the same or an earlier era.


        US Member

        Your first post on spark plug heat range affecting overall temperature in a two stroke outboard put many of us on notice. Yes we are a small organization and people are apt to ask "did you see that post by………" Hint….alot of us know each other personally.
        I will mention once again that if you are not sure about what you are posting….simply resist. Sit back, relax, and listen to those
        who have been there and done that in this industry…not motorcycles. You seem to do a great job with anything that has an electron running through it. Great!….carry on. When applied to an old outboard be sure of what you are advising as there are those of us out there who know the tips and tricks on almost everything this forum is all about.
        You fail to realize that you may have a negative influence on those that may wish to eventually join this club/organization. Are you a member? If not, why not? That is what the Ask a Member is all about. Attracting new members. If a new member gets bad information would you expect them to return?
        The combined years of experience of just a few of the members in here who post and try to help out is staggering and is the source of an amazing wealth of knowledge. Defer to those who may have an accurate answer rather than just throw something out there, lead someone astray, and cost them money and wasted time on an engine.
        By providing best guess information instead of fact the whole organization is seen as less than what it should and can be which is an accurate source of information on old engines. Sit back, relax, learn, and quit trying to be a ten minute hero on every single thread out there.

          quote Pappy:

          Your first post on spark plug heat range affecting overall temperature in a two stroke outboard put many of us on notice.

          Do you really wish to revisit those arguments? Even so, what does this have to do with the present line of discussion – that which you’re apparently criticizing?

          quote :

          Yes we are a small organization and people are apt to ask “did you see that post by………” Hint….alot of us know each other personally.

          Awesome, I’m glad to hear you run a tight little buddy-buddy organization here.

          quote :

          I will mention once again that if you are not sure about what you are posting….simply resist.

          If you’re referring to the present discussion, then please state your specific objections. It’s obvious, at least to me, that my recent comment(s) have drawn your ire – so let’s stick to those, OK? Otherwise, I have no lack of confidence in what I’ve posted – it reflects many years of study and experience.

          If other members are equally unhappy, then they should speak for themselves. And on the topic of membership, this is the second time you’ve questioned my lack of a paid ticket. Is that really an unspoken requirement around here – and as of this moment, do you really think I’m even the least bit inclined to pony-up?

          Good grief, I thought we had arrived at a personal understanding on this subject.


            US Member - 2 Years

            Pappy has many years of OMC/outboard/two stroke experience, his knowledge is a real asset that our club needs and respects.
            Don K


              I think we should all go out for some beers. I love you guys.

              You know what’s so nice about the forums (and to a degree the AOMCI generally), is we’re pretty much all guys who love what we do. We all have our personalities, histories, experience levels, and preferences, but at the end of the day, it’s all about a good time and beers. Regardless of age, if you disagree with this, you’re just going to piss off the masses.


                On a side note, I will say that those early 80’s 4.5’s have a really impressive low idle. I mean, you can almost count the RPM when they idle down.

                FLEETWIN: I have finally come over to the mindset that it makes no sense (T2ONE told me this last year) to fool with the ’74-76 ignition systems. Of course, there are several mechanical problems too, but those are pretty cut and dry issues to deal with.

                My question to you is, with these 3 years, do you personally just convert them all over to CDI systems? Seems like a no-brainer if the block can accept a powerpack.


                  Most of the time a good cleaning and maybe new packing washers will fix up a carb. Update to a new style float whenever possible, pay close attention to the inlet needle and seat and make sure the tips of the hi and low speed needles are OK.


                    +1 to that. Carbs aren’t complicated, unlike the computerized stuff which I haven’t learned enough about yet on my primary vessel (30hp ETEC – but 12 miles per gallon is quite desireaable). (SHOUT OUT TO WILLG)

                    What I can say, is that if the Etec is the next step to the revolution, than I need to humble up. I will not say at this point that I have 5% of the knowledge or experience of the keepers of this forum, but I will say that in the last couple of weeks I’ve completely bought into CDI ignition over magnetos in terms of simplicity. I feel like the Etec ignitions are akin to this analogy.

                    A new, properly tuned up magneto absolutely competes with a CDI ignition in terms of visual distance of a bright-blue spark throw (they seem to throw a 1/2 to 5/8" bright blue spark), but there is a lot more vulnerabilities of a fresh magneto compared to a fresh CDI ignition set up. CDI = plug and play + good grounds, MAGNETO = those same things + mechanical timing and calibration, which has a LOT of environmental considerations to be made)


                      quote johnyrude200:

                      I think we should all go out for some beers.

                      Oh you think so do you? Go ahead, twist my arm! 😉


                        😀 yeah, really have to force it down

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