Home Forum Ask A Member Best Way to Unseize an Engine

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    Steve A W

      US Member - 2 Years

      Do Yourself a favor and skip the impact gun.
      If the engine doesn’t break free, You run the risk of over tightening The flywheel and ruining it.
      Use a strap wrench on the flywheel instead.

      Steve A W

      Member of the MOB chapter.
      I live in Northwest Indiana


        US Member
        quote crosbyman:


        timely video for my 9622a stuck beauty 🙂

        If your engine is seized up badly, this doesn’t work. I tried this product and technique after soaking the pistons in ‘you name it’ for about six months.

        The end result was a broken crankshaft. I will never tighten a flywheel nut with an impact wrench again.

        I was lucky to find a good powerhead replacement.


          Canada Member

          😥 ok

          Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


            US Member
            quote aquasonic:

            quote crosbyman:


            timely video for my 9622a stuck beauty 🙂

            If your engine is seized up badly, this doesn’t work. I tried this product and technique after soaking the pistons in ‘you name it’ for about six months.

            The end result was a broken crankshaft. I will never tighten a flywheel nut with an impact wrench again.

            I was lucky to find a good powerhead replacement.

            Just to expand on this. I am fairly certain that my seized motor was used in saltwater and had been tipped so that saltwater ran into the exhaust ports and into the pistons by an owner that didn’t know any better. Then it was laid down on a garage floor without being run in a fresh water tank and not fogged. When I removed the cylinder head there was lots of white aluminum oxide.

            Basically, everything had been done wrong from a storage point of view.

            If your powerhead is just weather seized from sitting, then the chances are very good for getting it unseized.

            I just don’t want people to think that the product from the video is some kind of miracle because I can tell you that it is not!


              Canada Member

              pretty certain it is totally 100% freshwater animal so i will just keep soaking ad give it 30 days if still stuck i will pull the head and starting tapping the cyl. with a peg and rubber hammer

              Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

                quote Steve A W:

                Do Yourself a favor and skip the impact gun.
                If the engine doesn’t break free, You run the risk of over tightening The flywheel and ruining it.

                Heh, wow! Yeah, that is definitely in the "DO NOT RECOMMEND" category.

                I mean, a couple +quick+ shots from the impact, to give it a jolt.. maybe. But rapping on it while the pistons remain stuck is just begging to twist the crank, crack the flywheel, ruin the thread, and so on.

                There’s a reason you can almost always R&R a flywheel bolt using an impact tool, without the aid of a strap wrench or flywheel holder. The inertia of the flywheel backed by the compression of the engine ensures that the whole crank essentially sits still while the flywheel bolt is being torqued.


                  If you don’t have a press, to get stuck pistons out, I have boiled them in a crock pot with anti freeze. Same idea as Lloyd had.

                    quote Chris_P:

                    If you don’t have a press, to get stuck pistons out, I have boiled them in a crock pot with anti freeze.

                    Oh boy.. your wife must love you! 😆

                      quote legendre:

                      quote Chris_P:

                      If you don’t have a press, to get stuck pistons out, I have boiled them in a crock pot with anti freeze.

                      Oh boy.. your wife must love you! 😆

                      My GF wasn’t too happy when I heat treated an exhaust/intake manifold in our kitchen owen after painting it with some heat paint that needed treatment to harden..

                      Nowadays she just sighs and pretends not to notice. 😆 😯


                        I share Scott’s opinion, any motor worth spending the time to free it up should be torn down
                        cleaned of any corrosion & or rust that may have caused it to be stuck in the first place. I personally would stay clear of the impact myself, light tugs on a strap wrench is a much safer approach.

                        Brook N.

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