There is a nice tech article about the HydroDrive in the April 2024 “Antique Outboarder” magazine. Mentioned in the article is that there is a service manual available for down load on the “FiberGlassic” web site , under “motors and Drives”.
There is a nice tech article about the HydroDrive in the April 2024 “Antique Outboarder” magazine. Mentioned in the article is that there is a service manual available for down load on the “FiberGlassic” web site , under “motors and Drives”.
Hope that you find the article helpful.
Joe B
Thanks Joe
I have that issue and did read it back then but had forgot about it because of my article on the Fageol VIP
It is a 4L-HD, not a 64L-HD. Specs on the sheet below: For some reason, the model numbers didn’t completely show = just look for the line of the HD motor in 1950 that is 7.9 HP.