Hi all , My project is a Montgomery Ward Chrysler.I don’t know which year because the tag is missing. I going to guess around 1975-76. Anyhow, the coils, Wico X18248. When I test them with my Merc-o-tronics 98, I get a good primary reading. The secondary test open. Plug wire to either lead test open . But when I test for spark , I do get spark on the 98 tester. Is the spark jumping the open in the coil? Both coils are the same. I also see that the laminates for the coils are pinned and peened on. (Must have been Mercury Engineers). I think I would like to convert the wico coils to OMC coils. If they don’t fit I may look at a coil from a Tecumseh engine. They used wico coils. Any Idea how to get the coils off without destroying them. I’m thinking Dremel tool. New coils at Marine Engine are $168.00. Also , my points are trashed and I have one bad condenser. So I’m going to try the Nova 2 route just to satisfy my curiosity. So I’m looking for the best way to remove the coils, or do the coils come off the laminates in place? Thanks , Matt.