Home Forum Ask A Member Classic questions for a 1972 9.5

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      Good Morning fellow members.
      Friend gave me his 1972 9.5 Evinrude low profile motor.
      Fires up on first or second pull.
      He said that he was able to take it to his favorite fishing spot and it would hum along real nice. He would shut it down and fish for a while and then it would not restart. My initial though was either a bad coil or a bad condenser. He mentioned that it had been tuned in the last cpl of years and should be ok.
      I pulled the wheel and the condensers and coils checked out ok. Do shorts in these parts appear after they have warmed up?
      Also pulled the lower unit to check the impeller thinking that perhaps defective and causing the engine to heat up and thus causing the thermostat to trigger. Impeller looked great but what I did notice was an excessive amount and carbon bits and oil soaked deposits covering the water pump housing. Wondering is this is a bad lower CS Seal or perhaps exhaust issues.
      Any advise on these issues is greatly appreciated.

      Thank you,

      Kevin aka Skeg


        If there is a tiny fracture or break in say the secondary winding of the coil, it may not present itself until warmed up. I use a Mercotronic to put a load on them. Using a MM may not always find a fault.

        Try running with the cowl off. They are notorious for exhaust leaks?



          Perhaps there is a bit of leakage of the float valve when not running, flooding the engine? Try loosening the tank cap when stopped to prevent any pressure buildup that may cause the mentioned flooding.

          But I would highly suspect a coil secondary winding. Sure, a MercTronic tester would be great, but chances of a novice having one are nil. A multimeter ohms test is a good second best test.

          Exhaust leaks, while a major problem, wouldn’t cause hard starting, since not running there is no exhaust.

          Don’t be afraid to try choking it for one pull as a try. Some motors need to be choked even when warm.


            Thanks Guys. appreciate your input.
            Kevin aka Skeg

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