Home Forum Ask A Member Condenser repairs .22uf

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      Canada Member

      I finally after a year or two of having purchased some  ceramic condensers I tried soldering wires to these small critters  and it went real well with a low power soldering iron, a touch of solder  paste  and 22ga wire ………. thesmall capacitor   came out aliv and tested perfect  at .227 nano or .22uf

      should work real well and cheap to rebuild … I just need to sink them in an old condenser can  with one wire soldered on the can body for grounding.

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        US Member

        Those caps should work as long as the voltage rating is high enough.  I like to see at least 600 volts.  You may want to pot it in the can with some silicone RTV so vibration doesn’t cause the leads to flex and break.  Regular RTV outgasses acetic acid while curing, which is corrosive, but there’s an electronic grade that outgasses ethanol vapor.   I used that to keep bigger capacitors from vibrating and breaking their leads when I worked for Honeywell designing temp control circuits for ThermoKing truck refrigeration units that see a lot of road vibration.



          US Member

          I think you have a typo in your post – you wrote:   .227 nano, which should be 227 nano (no decimal).  The .22 uFd is correct also.



            Canada Member

            yes…   227 nano ===> .227 uf  🙂

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              US Member

              Those ceramic caps are rated at 1.2KV ( 1200 volts) . That’s even higher than the high quality metal foil caps  which are rated at  850 volt

              Joe B


                Canada Member

                yes some are  1.2k but mine were 630 V   if I recall  they are these x7R ones on amazon … price is up a bit but about $3.75 each not bad

                10pcs 1210 1812 2220 SMD Capacitor 0.1uF 0.47uF 1uF 2.2uF 4.7uF 10uF 22uF 47uF 100uF 50V 100V 1KV 2KV(1210 22UF 16V X5R) : Amazon.ca: Industrial & Scientific

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                  US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                  Those caps should work as long as the voltage rating is high enough.  I like to see at least 600 volts.  You may want to pot it in the can with some silicone RTV so vibration doesn’t cause the leads to flex and break.  Regular RTV outgasses acetic acid while curing, which is corrosive, but there’s an electronic grade that outgasses ethanol vapor.   I used that to keep bigger capacitors from vibrating and breaking their leads when I worked for Honeywell designing temp control circuits for ThermoKing truck refrigeration units that see a lot of road vibration.


                  What are thoughts on using hot glue gun glue for potting in condenser cans.


                    Canada Member

                    should work .. just put some packing  in an old  emptied out capacitor can above the ceramic  and fill with hot glue or  5 min epoxy.  the ceramics are so small and delicate so I double wrapped then in shrink tubing which in itself secures, insulates    and protects everything. Would not hurt to use a short length of 20 ga wire to reach the points

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