What were they asking? Trying to establish a fair price on motor. The one I’m looking at comes with spare parts ,tank,hose, I know I need to check condition and everything but how rare are they?
The Marine raid on Makin Island in August 1942 had difficulty with the
outboard motors. That may have led to development of motors more
adapted to military needs as well as the service department in the
chest with the motor,
If you had been fortunate enough to have attended the 2018 Constantine meet that was chaired by GLC member Kevin Van Oirschot you would have learned all about military Outboards. The Meet theme that year was “Outboards and the Military. On display were meny military purposed outboards from both US and axis powers. Of the many display items, one in particular I found especially interesting. The unclassified US Army Engineer report on the crossing of the Rhine River in March 1945. The Army Engineers were making darn sure that when General Patton’ s forces reached the river they would get across without delay. A massive assemblage of equipment was on hand, including 300 “Storm Boats” and 910 outboard motors. 660 Johnson POs and 250 Evinrude Big Fours. Check out the inventory list from the annex of the report.
The motor in the OP is later vintage 1950’s
Joe B
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Mumbles.