Home Forum Ask A Member Decals

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    Samuel Phelps

      US Member

      Getting ready to apply the decals to my tank .. Never applied any before . So are there any tricks of the trade that you guys that have done this can fill me in on before I make the attempt ?
      I have put 4 light coats of clear on the tank and the decals today . Says I need t give it 24 hours cure time first ..





        I’ve never put any on.

        But I read this article once, it was a comphehensive documentary on the restoration of a Johnson. Excellent, in depth, step by step restoration with all facets of mechanical and cosmetic. I believe he mentions being a member here.


        This was installment 5 which had the decals, you should also read the other steps as they are good reads. I know it makes a difference if they are laquer slides or just vinyl decals. But that is all I know. Good luck, post pics of your masterpiece when it is done.


          Thais an awful big decal for a first timer.
          Who did you get them from?
          Vinyl or waterside?

          A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


            I use the spray bottle with water, alcohol and a drop or two of dishsoap. Spray area well and that will keep the vinyl decals from immediately sticking. Position the decal, then squeegee to remove the water from the underside. I use a sponge or just my thumb as a squeegee.

            Samuel Phelps

              US Member

              This is a waterslide decal from American Outboard..
              The potential problem I see, because it’s such a large/long decal , would be getting it centered up on the tank .
              If you have to start on one end , position , then carefully slide the paper out from under the decal , I could see where
              Not getting it centered could be a problem .
              My thought is maybe dry fit it in to position .
              Then place a piece of blue tape at the ends and top/bottom .
              That gives me a starting point that I won’t need to eyeball or think about during actual installation .
              Hopefully the decal doesn’t stretch much when wet . It does wrap around all 4 corners of the tank ..


                A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

                • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Tubs.
                Samuel Phelps

                  US Member

                  Thanks Tubs ! This was helpful !
                  I’m going to recruit my son to help get it placed …
                  Fingers crossed for a good installation !

                  Samuel Phelps

                    US Member

                    Got it on there . Was going good until a slight adjustment caused a small tear .. Uhgggggggg ! LOL!! Rookie mistake …
                    Was thinking on using a small artist brush and try to touch up a bit before the clear coat …




                      Hay pal, you done good. Decals that size
                      are a challenge for anybody. There is
                      some skill involve in putting these things
                      on and that comes with experience.

                      A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

                      Bob Wight

                        US Member

                        Tear is hardly noticeable – you did a great job on both the tank repair/paint and the decals. Looks factory new – very well done!!


                        1937 Champion D2C Deluxe Lite Twin
                        1954 Johnson CD-11
                        1955 Johnson QD-16
                        1957 Evinrude Fastwin 18
                        1958 Johnson QD-19
                        1958 Johnson FD-12
                        1959 Johnson QD-20

                        “Every 20 minute job is only a broken bolt away from a 3-day project.”
                        "Every time you remove a broken or seized bolt an angel gets his wings."

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