Home Forum Ask A Member Different Pal decals?

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  • #12885

      Lifetime Member

      As they came from the factory the background was an imitation gold leaf. When exposed to acid rain, the copper in the color turned green. Red fades badly when exposed to ultraviolet as in sunlight. Hence some after market decals have orange instead of red …

      . . . . . 🙂



        A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

        • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Tubs.
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Tubs.

          International Member
          quote Tubs:

          My examples aren’t that good
          but as best as I can tell 4302 appears to have been 3 colors.
          Has anybody have other examples to offer (kees) ?

          Tubs, I have nothing to offer.
          It just looks like a black and yellow decal on that model 4203, if you see the remains for the first time.
          But it is wise, I think, to follow the experts in the US, when they say, it is dark blue.
          And maybe?… is that close to black ???? LOL
          btw; your typo ? 4302 😉 😉
          and the question
          "What ever you would call this color "? on the picture you send ?
          it is the same as the "light yellow" , at least on my PAL
          On my second PAL 4203 , no leftovers ( remains ?)
          on my third PAL 4253 , no leftovers.


            International Member

            just my opinion / 2c
            if I had plans to make my own decal;…………
            I would produce the outer oval in black , instead of dark blue
            only based on some closer looks 😮



              A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

              • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Tubs.
              • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Tubs.
              Randy in Tampa

                  International Member
                  quote Tubs:

                  How about some pictures of your 37 decals?

                  About my decal ?
                  basically it is pretty much the same as on this above photo or even a bit worse
                  except that this one has a larger spot that turned into blue and …what I meant with the outer oval , also this one is still solid and no blue spots.
                  well….just little fantasies




                    A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

                    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Tubs.
                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Tubs.

                      Lifetime Member

                      Black was used on the early Elto Racers before they went to orange … Dad had a set of cylinders from an Elto Speeditwin that were finished in black enamel with the ends polished & nickel plated.

                      . . . . . . 😕


                        International Member

                        Notice that the 2 Yellows seem to be
                        different in both examples. Looking
                        for more to see if that could actually be
                        the case. If it is convenient could you
                        go and take a really good look at yours.
                        Be sure your in good light or shine a
                        flashlight or something on it to see if you
                        can detect any variation in color.

                        free upload

                        Hi Tubs
                        This is my best shot
                        I keep it by my earlier stand /or point of view.
                        A black outer circle, good to see at the right.
                        but others might have an other idea, no problem.
                        btw. What decal is available and where ? I have seen only one till so far and
                        that is for the 4266 and its not a beauty


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