Home Forum Ask A Member eisemann magneto

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      US Member

      this mag is off a 1947 (?) firestone single. the model stamped on the bottom of the mag plate says 61-M. is this a pretty standard magneto? It has no spark but the coil tests good (primary and secondary) with my multimeter.

      any issues with these to be aware of? I see that the point gap setting is .020 just like OMC’s universal magneto.

      I’m planning to remove everything and clean it up. after re-gapping points I think it’ll have spark.

      any info on safe/best way to clean the coil? no submerging it, correct? how do you guys do it?

      thanks for any info!



        Lifetime Member

        I have had good luck with WD-40 and an old tooth brush. Look for cracks in the insolation. Check capacitor for leakage. (Done with the capacitor disconnected) It should show infinite resistance after an initial jump in the indicator. Reversing the leads should result in a jump in the opposite direction. Make sure you have good ground connections after re-assembly.

        . . . 🙂


          US Member

          One of my best running motors is a ’47 Firestone with the Eisemann 61-M magneto. It will idle down to 300 RPM, and still pumps water.

          I agree with Garry on WD-40 and a toothbrush.

          Clean it up and I bet you’re good to go.

          John Van


            Good topic. We have two Mercury KD-4’s, a 46 & 47. At this time, we are planning to restore the 46 first as it has the Eisemann magneto, and we only have one set of spark plug covers and the face cover. Knowing myself, I will keep looking for the parts for the 47 too, but with 4 motors on the bench that all need Bendix coils, I need to save up some cash before I call Jim Judkins!



              US Member

              good news! cleaned up the magneto, re-set the points gap and kazing! got spark now!

              ran into some bad news next. the gas tank is dented on the back near the bottom. as I poured ammonia into it to clean it out ( had 1/16 inch and thicker dried up gas from who knows how long ago) it all began leaking out of the dented area. about 2 1/2 – 3 inches up either side of the rear most point.

              I think i’ll start another post on that problem. got spark though–that’s nice!

              RICHARD A. WHITE

                Lifetime Member

                Ummm, I do not think we are to put any grease or lube on the crank taper…. are we???



                  Good call there Richard. Do not grease a taper or it may never come apart again.



                    US Member

                    thank-you Richard! not sure why I thought that way. I just put 2 back together the other day and didn’t. oh! I saw a bit of rust on the taper, that’s why. still not a good place for it, eh? thanks for catching it.

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