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      I know it’s hard to give a value on something like this. Especially considering the owner says it is locked up, but is this little Elgin worth $60?


        You will get a few to answer "YES" , and a few "NO WAYS", so really, if you are happy with it, buy it up, that’s all that really matters right.

        Opinions on motor value vary WILDLY within the club, almost as interesting as if you would have asked what oil ratio to run it at!


          If I am looking at it correct, that is the 1.25 HP that was only made one year (’46 or ’47). I picked one of those up last year at a meet (not stuck and with better than average graphics) for $90, so your $60 for a stuck engine and what looks like a new paint job sounds like it is in the ballpark. In my humble opinion, anyway.


            Don’t know how much it’s worth to you, but I’ve been watching for a canoe-sized motor, and they don’t seem to be as common as motors in the 4-5-6 hp range.

            On the other hand, why would someone clean up and paint a stuck motor, except purely for static display? Nothing wrong with that, but …..

            One could speculate that this is a plain bearing motor–no ball or needle bearings–and thus a bit more likely to be able to be unstuck and run.


              US Member

              Locked up – I’d say not worth the risk. It’s probably a 2.5 hp, water cooled, so will probably need an impeller ($40).

              I like the pea-green Elgins. They’re well engineered and they run great. Even so, they’re dirt cheap most of the time (the exception being the very collectible 1.25 hp). I bought a 1954 7.5 hp with decent graphics for $40, not stuck, and had to put in an impeller and coils. I have way more in it that it’s worth, but it’s a good performer and it deserved to be saved. Me, I’d pass on this one. There are lots more out there.


                It is a water cooled 2.5 like Scott says. Only thing is that it does not have an impeller but a plunger type water pump that really does not wear. If it did I would agree it is a bigger gamble as the impellers for the later models are almost always bad and expensive.

                It is a first year Elgin and only made in 46 I think.

                I must say I would get it. I have one that runs great and pumps more water than larger motors. The coil is almost bullet proof Wico, at least mine is, not the plastic type that explodes but the fiberglass looking one.

                Carb is a tollitson with brass float. Looks like face plate over carb the s missing but does not affect function.

                There is small vent hole in the vent screw in cap that must be clear to run.

                My bet is it locked up from sitting and is not damage, but You never know.

                16:1 ratio, lubriplate/corn head grease in lu

                Talk them down to 50!


                  US Member

                  Isn’t the single cylinder water cooled 2.5 the least common of the old Elgins?

                  Doug Wilson

                    US Member - 2 Years

                    good running little mtors think i would take a chance offer them 50 soak it for a few days bet its stuck from setting and will free up and be fine.


                    how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
                    turned off?


                      US Member

                      It looks like somebody put some work into it at one point, with the shiny gas line and paint but no decals. With that kind of love shown to it, maybe it will come free easily….maybe not. Elgins are great runners, for sure. The thing I don’t like about them is that no matter how much time and money you drop into them, they always seem to be worth about the same amount of money. At one of our meets in the Northeast, I bet I couldn’t sell that motor for $25. But that’s the way, in the Northeast. I say $50 as an absolute high value, if you just HAVE to have it; but it shouldn’t be about money. It’s about history and love of machinery.

                      Long live American manufacturing!


                        US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                        I had mine (a good runner, gone through with new seals and pump rotor, etc) at several meets and couldn’t get any interest in it at $90, or $75, or "offer". Even had it out beside the road in front of the house, running in a trash can all day, with no interest. So I donated it to the Church yard sale. I think they sold it for $60.

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