Home Forum Ask A Member expecting father of a new to me 9622a

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      Canada Member

      OK guys this is my winter 2016 project but I am anxious

      been cyl. soaking it for a good week now and the flywheel is stuck solid ..real solid forwards or backwards.

      I havent bashed (coaxed) the pistons yet. walls look good no rust in sight

      Motor is like new aside from comestic scratches.

      probably sat for years. no bugs Inside 🙂 and I don’t suspect yet.. that it went in the drink

      what scenarios am I looking at….

      motor is lot more complex than QD FD styles. funny carb is side mounted. any inspection ports on this 9622a so I can squirt/inspect the rings ??

      not a screw has been taken out of this baby. all bolts -screws covered in original paint.

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        These are nice little motors. They have some design quirks, but nothing you can’t handle. Once you remove the carb, you get access to the port area. This is a bit different than your typical OMC twin, but nothing to lay awake worrying about.

        Good diagrams on Marineengine.com site.

        Enjoy your motor.


          To rule out a frozen powered vs a damaged lower unit issue being the cause of a stuck motor, please remove the lower unit. If the power head turns freely after you remove the lower unit, then you have resolved your ,stuck powered issue, gained a gearcase issue.


            Canada Member

            OK off with the gearcase …. all diagrams saved (printed)

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              Canada Member

              well the gearcase came off. powerhead still won’t rotate either way.

              motor is so clean inside I can’t believe it .

              lower housing and gearcase are spotless ….no exhaust carbon or oily deposists to be seen. impeller housing spotless 😮

              Aside from surface scratches on the cowling and darken plugs I would swear this engine laid dormant for 51 years !!!

              Not bad for $50 if I can get it to turn 🙂 IF I fix it I will need a new motor to work on next winter 😆 😆

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                US Member

                I had a 3hp evinrude stuck solid. it ended up being oil dried out over many years . took a lot of soaking and time. once apart it was like new inside.


                  I would pour some ATF fluid in the cylinders and work it around to coat all the walls. Let it set for awhile then try to work the flywheel.


                    US Member

                    I ended up going into the crank case to soak that is where it was stuck.


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      Take your time & let it soak! Even if it soaks for a few months. Start another project then come back to it. Been collecting for over 30 years & soaking for months will deliver a loose motor. Small taps on the pistons but no breaking rings, PATIENTS!


                        Yea, I’m believing that it’s stuck from just sitting. Motors that sit in a damp area, will collect moisture inside and lock up. I believe once you get the piston free, you will have a nice running motor. I sold one of these on a little 12′ Crestliner a few years back.

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