Home Forum Ask A Member finding parts for 1983 canadian mercury 18hp

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      Mercury 18 H.P. serial #7201857
      Tomos Sportsman 9.9
      I bought a 14′ monarch 3 years ago and it came with an 18hp mercury and a 9.9hp tomos and a few electric trolling motors.
      I bought it so I could fish the channel on the delaware river. I took it out to beltzvillle lake/dam with the mercury to test on flat water first and had an enjoyable day but towards the end of the day the motor stalled and wouldn’t restart.
      This spring I brought it to my (auto)mechanic and he cleaned up the carb and got it running. I put it on a different lake and got about 15 minutes out of it lol. It had no balls and kept stalling. I switched to the trolling motor to bring her back to land.
      Unfortunately it seized.
      I contacted mercury and they told me they no longer stock any parts for it, that they were obsoleted over a decade ago. They also told me to look up your organization for help finding parts. I am looking for a powerhead and impeller parts or parts necessary to rebuild this powerhead if I can get it unseized. So far every marine shop that I have contacted told me that it’s not worth fixing. I also know that kelley blue book gives it about a $2500. value for good condition running. A new 25 hp jetdrive outboard is about $6000.
      I have rebuilt a few antique motorcycle engines in my younger days and feel confident that I could rebuild this if I can locate the parts.
      Mercury was kind enough to inform me that they still sell the service manual LOL. I told them without the parts the manual is useless.
      I am also looking for help and info regarding the electric starter. I remember it working when I put it out on beltzville but mechanic told me starter wasn’t working and all I hear is the selenoid click/pop when key is turned.
      I am also looking for information and parts availability and literature/parts/service manuals for the Tomos. So far I have found that Tomos was/is an Eastern European brand who manufactured mopeds mainly, but also outboards. These outboards were distributed thru Nissan in this country in the early 1990’s. I have been able to cross reference spark plugs and found an ngk equivalent for the Russian plugs that came in it. This motor appears to be in Excellent shape, but I don’t want to blow it up like I did with the Mercury lol.
      Any help, advice, and or info about these motors is greatly appreciated
      Thank you all


        Lifetime Member


        Look here:

        http://www.marineengine.com/parts/mercu … 207857-can

        That appears to be your motor…Impeller is available and it is new enough, that should give you access to all the parts you might need





          Canada Member

          Far be it for me to argue with the blue book value of a 32 year old motor at $2500.00 but I just searched my local want ads and for that money you can get the 18hp motor a 14′ boat and a trailer! Several 18hp Mercs are listed at between $650 and $900.00 in good running order. Personally I wouldn’t spend $1.00 trying to fix that motor as it is just way more economical to replace it. If you want a bullet proof motor look for a 1960 and up OMC 18hp-25hp that uses the 22ci block and unlike Mercury you can still get most parts for them


            US Member

            I concur – those prices are way out of whack for motor that old. Even their new ones are on the high side. MSRP for a 25hp jet is 5700, and you can get one for less than $5000 from various sources…


              US Member - 2 Years

              I own a 1958 Johnson electric start full gear shift motor. It cost me $200.00 because it was missing. New top crankshaft seal & clean up the mag & fix the points & it runs great. Oh, ended up resealing the gearcase with spaghetti & seals & no more water. The older OMC 18 to 20 hp motors run very well if not abused to the point of compression loss. I could pull a light skiier if I run my Evinrude 15 prop. In my thoughts nothing like a 50’s OMC for very well build non plastic reliable motor. Quite easy to perform service too. Mercury’s are fun too but are harder to work on. My last build, 1951 Merc 6 hp has been a challange for sure!!

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