Home Forum Ask A Member Flambeau disassembly

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    Dave Hostetter

      US Member

      I will welcome tips for partly disassembling a Flambeau for cleaning and inspection. Recoil came off easily. How should I remove carb adjusting “wheels”. Can the fuel tank be removed without risking sealing damage to carb or other parts? Please advise, thanks

      Dave H


        US Member

        Instructions for removing tank and carb on late model Flambeau’s.



        Prepare to be boarded!

        • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Buccaneer.
        • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Buccaneer.
        David Bartlett

          US Member

          Good info Buc!

          These are fun motors, but not really designed for intuitive disassembly and re-assembly. Take your time and it will come apart OK.

          Fuel tank has to come off to service the carb anyway, so good time to do it.

          David Bartlett
          Pine Tree Boating Club Chapter

          "I don't fully understand everything I know!"

          Dave Hostetter

            US Member

            Thank you men. I’ll tear into it soon. Dave H

            Dave H

            Alan Pelot

              US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

              Detail #254 needs to be removed to get the mag plate off. Screwdriver hole in the tank to access screw holding it in.
              I spent an evening trying to get mag plate off so I could remove the tank before I saw detail 254 holding it in.


                US Member

                Maybe I should start working on mine soon so I could learn something
                from your efforts. Mine is froze up, but no idea if it’s the power head
                or lower unit yet.

                Prepare to be boarded!


                  Hi everyone i am new here and just started to work on my own flambeau and i was wonder if anyone new hot to pix or fix an new or used version of this part. The end has broken off


                    US Member

                    Is it just 1/8″ pipe? How’s the part that it screws into?


                    Prepare to be boarded!


                      Hey everyone I have fully disassembled my motor and have not been able to replace that part that has broken and i am trying to get rid of this motor, any ideas on who to give it to or how to sell it and it is available to any one on this site it can be fully reassembled is missing a few screws


                        US Member

                        All those screws that hold the clamshell together are different lengths. Take a piece of wood and draw their aproximate location on it in respect to their location on the motor. Drill holes in the wood and put those screws there.

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