Home Forum Ask A Member Float Seal?

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    John Gragg

      US Member

      So I bit the bullet and pulled my carb apart last night. I had already inspected the float briefly and knew it was cork so I wanted a deeper dive. Anyway, the float is in great shape but I have read here that the original cork should be resealed to help its life use.

      I’ve tried finding model airplane dope with zero luck. I’m in California so no oil based varnishes or other products allowed.

      What is the recommended course of action? I have seen the information about the Sierra 18-7208 and I will be ordering one to experiment with.

      Other than that, what should I use to give my float some protection? I did briefly test it last time it was apart snd it did float.


      Best Regards,

      John Gragg
      RIverside, CA

      Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

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        While some may argue the point, I have used both fuel-proof dope and thin superglue with equally good results…

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          This thread motivated me to check the
          bottles of my on going, need to coat a
          cork float, test. Other than some
          evaporation not much has changed.

          A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

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          John Gragg

            US Member

            Steve, I have read both pros and cons about the thin super glue. Seems like it should work fine.

            How long have your super glue fixes been in service? Do you reseal at intervals or just leave it, no worries?


            John Gragg
            RIverside, CA

            Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

            48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
            49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
            48 Johnson TD20
            49 Johnson TD20
            54 Johnson QD15
            55 Johnson CD12
            57 Johnson RJE-19M
            57 Johnson RDE-19

            John Gragg

              US Member


              During a search of the site last night, I found your old (newest) post on this topic. I was on my phone, reading before bed, so I admit two things. One, I did not remember seeing the post last night when I got up this morning. And two, the pictures one my phone were so small I really couldn’t see what was going on anyway.

              I am very impressed at your foresightedness in taking on (and maintaining) this endeavor so many years ago. Bravo! I’m sold. My cork appears to be in pretty good shape, with a few cracks and crevices but I’m thinking those don’t matter. I need get a jar of oil/fuel mixture and let it soak for a week and see what happens.

              Assuming, nothing. I’m sold.

              I’d much rather not be pulling the carb every year or so to clean out crud, not that it will happen for sure, but if it ain’t broke, not gonna fix it.

              Thanks again,

              Best Regards,


              John Gragg
              RIverside, CA

              Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

              48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
              49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
              48 Johnson TD20
              49 Johnson TD20
              54 Johnson QD15
              55 Johnson CD12
              57 Johnson RJE-19M
              57 Johnson RDE-19


                US Member

                Tubs, missed the original post back in 2020. As usual …..amazing attention to detail.
                Keep us posted on a regular basis. Wonder what / or if the old cork was coated with originally?
                Your test is making me rethink the whole cork coating process.
                Bob D


                  US Member

                  Sorry, pushed reply button twice by mistake.
                  Don’t know how to delete


                    US Member

                    From my experience with old cork floats, is that the old original varnish has cracked and has begun flaking. Gentle cleaning will remove much of the loose old varnish but still concern for flakes to come off and plug things up… recoating “glues” it all back nice and secure.

                    As for California, how do old timey gas model airplane guys do without hot fuel proof dope? Maybe track down an old school hobby shop for the dope.

                    Another thought, some guys use Red Coat fuel tank coating for coating cork floats.

                    Joe B


                      US Member

                      The corks were originally coated with shellac.Because the solvent for shellac is denatured alcohol,all gas with ethanol dissolves the coating.If  the cork is in good shape I sand and brush it to remove loose flakes of old finish,then I brush on a coat of shellac to hold any loose bits in place and I only use ethanol free gas.

                      John Gragg

                        US Member


                        Not an expert by any means, the last time I paid any attention to the ingredients in gas was in the late 80s when Union76 was the last gas station where I could get unleaded fuel for my 68 Firebird (400 H.O. motor. 10.75:1 pistons stock from the factory).  That lasted about a year and they too were forced to comply with good ole California EPA laws. So I’m kinda thinkin I can’t get ethanol free gas here in CA. Could be wrong, so I will check.

                        That said, I will try a few of the suggestions and look into some local airplane hobby clubs. Is there dope out there? Supposedly, but it’s very expensive due to the container sizes from what little I have been able to find. Example, I found a product called “Sig” dope. Went everywhere online looking for it, including Sig itself. “Out of Stock” was the answer everywhere I went.

                        Gonna keep looking, but also going to dunk my float in a jar of gas tomorrow.

                        Best Regards,

                        John Gragg
                        RIverside, CA

                        Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

                        48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
                        49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
                        48 Johnson TD20
                        49 Johnson TD20
                        54 Johnson QD15
                        55 Johnson CD12
                        57 Johnson RJE-19M
                        57 Johnson RDE-19

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