You can also make a strong and cheap strap wrench out of an old deep-well socket and a length of salvaged car seat-belt material. Cut the belt to an appropriate length, and sew or (better) super-glue & sew the ends together to form a loop.
With a grinder, cut a slot down the side of the socket, just wide enough to slide the glued / sewn end of the seat belt into it, the long way. Then loop the belt around the flywheel, wind the socket ’till it’s tight, and put in a socket wrench to hold it.
Absolutely unbreakable, and with a very wide grip. If the belt material slips, just put a little rosin dust on it.. and it won’t.
Here, this is the basic idea.. you can make them many different ways, out of whatever you have around. Great use for a cracked deep-well socket, cut your slot right through the cracked area.