Home Forum Ask A Member Help identifying model and year – Johnson 10 hp

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      I picked this up to work on with my daughter as a project. A little dirty and with a few broken bolts holding on the belly pan and broken tiller mount, but outside of that everything looks to be there and it came with a pressure tank for $40. Problem is no tag with the model number. I think its a late 50’s to early 60’s, but don’t know the specifics. Hoping that someone can help by looking at the cover or matching the serial number of the plug on the powerhead. The serial number is 1943710

      Thanks for your help!!


      Doug Wilson

        US Member - 2 Years

        Will let someone who can check the number on that tag verify it. Based on the fact it has the two line
        fuel connector so would use a pressure tank. It would have to be a 1959, that was the first year for that
        shroud design and also the last year the pressure tanks were used. I have a 59 5.5 and a 58 10hp both are great running
        old motors. Make sure the seals on the lower unit are good, impeller is new, might also check the coils and make sure they
        are not cracked. Should start 1-3 pulls every time and idle down real low if everything is good. May need tuned up and carb rebuilt
        both are easy to do and not expensive to buy the parts.


        how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
        turned off?


          US Member

          I think I’ve got a tiller mount bracket if you end up needing one… Drop me a PM if interested.


            International Member

            serial numbers between 1,743,081 – 1,995,465 makes it a 1959 model
            According the Johnson year guide manual


              Thanks guys! For future projects, where did you find the reference for the serial numbers?


                Last quick question – would it be a QD-20?


                  Canada Member

                  Looks like someone swapped the cowl. That is a 1960 cowl. The 1959 had only the outer trim ring on the top, not the center disc. 1959 also had decals on the sides of the hood, rather than the plastic emblems.


                    US Member - 2 Years

                    Yes, a 1959 10hp Johnson is a QD-20. That is what you have, but with a 1960 cover (not a big deal). They are excellent motors. I’m a fan of the QD series Johnson’s and the corresponding Evinrude Sportwins and I own several. One of which is a QD-20 (with a ’59 Evinrude powerhead). It’s an excellent runner.

                    OldJohnnyRude on YouTube


                      Just to confuse things further, I have a spare motor cover that i bought in a separate auction. It is also a Johnson 10 hp, and fits this motor well. Is this the 59 that you were talking about with the stickers? It is the slightly off color one.




                        US Member - 2 Years

                        Yessir. Your other cover is a 1959. My QD-20 is bright white, but I have a QD-22 that is about the same off white as your ’59 cover. I’m not sure if the paint on mine is original and I don’t remember what the paint codes were for the whites of the different years. Someone here has them though, if you really want to know. Here is a link to a video of my QD-20 running on my boat this spring. It’s a good indication of how these motors run when they’re in good tune.


                        OldJohnnyRude on YouTube

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