Home Forum Ask A Member How many have a KE4 KD4?

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      US Member - 2 Years

      Kiekhaefer Mercury 11 cu in 6 hp twin from late 1940s
      A Green tanker, but, under the tank there is a surprise in the form of a fabricated steel bracket to adapt KD4 upper water jacket for use with
      the later type tank ring and tank. It also has KD4 type pistons, rods and
      cylinders. I D tag says KE4. It does have the later cranks shaft and thin reed block of KE4 models. Mercury Parts Manual parts list indicates that it is as Kiekhaefer made it.
      Serial number is within range of initial block of serial numbers.
      Interesting example of Kiekhaefer using up old stock parts inventory
      Waste not, Want not transition model.
      If you have one Please respond.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by green-thumbs.

        US Member

        The KD3 and later KE3 are an example of the same. Power heads are interchangeable


          US Member

          I had a KE4 some years ago. I owned it for a long time. In that time, I am sure I must have had the tank off; but I don’t remember that bracket….nor do I remember what it DID have for a bracket! I know the Mark 7 is very similar to a KE4 but with a water-cooled exhaust manifold. It must have had very similar cylinder water jackets. I wonder how THOSE were adapted to the green tank ring?

          Long live American manufacturing!


            US Member - 2 Years

            As best I can determine, some of the first run KE4 were made using KD4
            parts (upper water jacket, cylinders, pistons and connecting rods) This required an adapter to mate the later tank and ring to the earlier
            water jacket, It does have the later crankshaft and thinner reed block
            This was a very puzzling motor until I noticed the parts manual listed
            two part numbers for upper water jacket, cylinders, pistons and rods.
            The cylinder block will accept the KD4 and KE4 parts…as the photos
            I am curious about how many members have a KE4 with KD4 parts
            made that way at factory. The adapter bracket is easy to spot.
            I would expect serial numbers to be a low end of first run, but, that
            is a guess.


              A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

              • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Tubs.
              • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Tubs.

                I’ll have to take a look at my KE4 since you have roused my curiosity. It’s an early model with serial number 234XXX. Good compression numbers and phelon coils as a plus.

                Edit: started looking at my KE4 parts list and think I need to look into the phelon statement a bit. List says early KE4 should be scintilla. 🙁

                • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by kirkp.

                  US Member - 2 Years

                  KE4 Mercury up to serial # 259419 had Bendix Scintilla Magneto
                  Serial # 259420 and up KE4 Mercury had Phelon Magneto
                  All Mark 7 have Phelon Magneto.
                  Per Mercury Parts Manual HOWEVER, either magneto will fit any
                  KE4 or Mark 7 without any alteration to powerhead



                    US Member - 2 Years

                    I have a KD4 & a KF3. Waiting to finish my 57 DR. Still have Bendix & Phelon coils.


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      KD4 usually have Eisemann 72 H magneto although I have a parts posterss for KD4 and KD3 that show a part which appears to be
                      adapter to allow use of a Bendix magneto, I have not seen either the
                      part or a KD4 with Bendix magneto, but, I have lived a sheltered life.
                      KF3 had mostly Bendix magnetos, but, last run had Phelon.
                      Several years ago a KF3 powerhead was on ebay and it had the
                      Phelon magneto…kind of a rare magneto with unique cam and flywheel
                      KD3 could have either Eisemann or Bendix magneto, however, if
                      recall rightly that would require a different crankcase casting unless
                      the adapter was actually manufactured and used.
                      Part No. M 10 147 on KD4 parts poster
                      Part No, M 10 148 on KD3 parts poster
                      KD4 and KD4S were 11 cu in 6hp twins based upon prewar Kiekhaefer
                      twins sold under Mercury and Wizard brands. Mercury KD4S was replaced by KE4 later renamed Mark 7. Bore, stroke and displacment
                      remained the same but power output increased to 7 1/2hp.
                      An unknown number of first production run of KE4 were built with KD4
                      type rods,pistons,cylinders and water jackets. They did have the improved reed block and crankshaft as well as a new design tower gear case and water pump assembly.
                      A point of interest to me is how common are the KE4 motors made with a mix of KD4 and KE4 components?
                      Easy way to tell is does your KE4 have KD4 upper water jacket with a
                      fabricated steel adapter to link water jacket to fuel tan ring.
                      I would appreciate hearing from other who have hybrid Mercs.

                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by green-thumbs.

                        Louis, just wondering if this motor is yours? If so, what is the serial number?

                        Went out and looked at my KE4 and it has the standard water cylinder with the cast ears.

                        One last question. Did you really mean that you’ve never seen a KD4 with scintilla coils?


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