Home Forum Ask A Member Ignition coil for Lauson twin

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      Does anyone have a source or a Wico part number for a coil for a 1951 Lauson 6 hp Sport King? My original is melted.


        US Member

        Try your local lawnmower repair shop.


          Canada Member

          I believe the coils tend to overheat when the motor is run without the lower cowls. I’ve heard that John Deere Pony motor coils work, with some modification.


            US Member

            Those coils are also used in Waterwitch twins, Muncies and Neptunes. Maybe a few others. There is somebody that is making these coils for the Maytag twins and they are selling them on eBay. They are not cheap but they are good coils. Somebody has in the past adapted a Briggs and Stranton twin coil to the laminates. That would be the earlier coil that uses points. You could also use a coil from an old four cylinder motorcycle with a 6 volt battery. Good luck with your search.


              US Member

              Ah’ the ole Lauson twin coil conundrum comes up again. What John C said is true. The new coils that are available on e-bay are for maytag Model 72 twin motors and are very good , and very expensive. Two styles are offered , be sure that you get the one for your mag, either Eisemann or Wico. Another option that I know works, I GLC member did the conversion is to use a John Deere pony motor coil. These are also available on ebay or your friendly neighborhood farm implement dealer. I bit of modification to the armature lamination is required to fit the smaller bore of the pony coil.
              As for the melted coil on the Lauson, that condition is commonly encountered. The cause, I have heard is either running a low idle for long periods or running the motor without the lower cowling installed.
              Joe B


                US Member

                If that old coil still works, you may be able to remove it and recoat with something like corona dope. A couple layers should do it. There is another thing I have discovered about these motors. The coil will run hotter if the timing is off. This is due to the points wearing in and changing the timing. I will look up the procedure for setting this and post later.


                  US Member

                  To check timing, first set points to 0.020" and clean, remove one cylinder head. Turn crankshaft over slowly clockwise until breaker arm just starts to open. At this point the piston should be 5/32" from the top face of the cylinder.
                  If ignition is out of time, loosen the two screws holding the magneto starter in place. Move the stator assembly right or left until the points start to open with 5/32nds from the top face of the cylinder. Tighten the two screws. Be careful and you can reuse the old head gasket. I don’t know where you can buy a new one if your’s get broken.


                    Is this the correct maytag coil thanks

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