I went slightly further in that seeing I am waiting delivery of my "New Tinnie" that WILL require some mods for me to be totally "Young Aussie Again"
Got this delivered today:
RindaTech Techmate Pro kit #94070D
Has latest Mercury CANbus ECM-70 (SmartCraft) adapter and firmware upgrade.
Future works will be……
Hull mods
Transom mod maybe with jack plate…..I will see next 12months
Keel mods
and the correct prop to suit afterwards.
When I get my new 14ft boat that will have a max rated 50Hp…….I can plug a 60Hp ECM in using the 2nd of 3 BUS ports for a second Engine……..then swap between them etc.
New boat will need that and I have clients for the rest of the applications.
More Flash aye!
Just an update is all……….A toy for an Old Boy?