Aquired a 62T at Tomahawk this year, I also was fortunate in finding spare parts from a 72T. 62T has the original coil. It appears the point and paddle assembly may have also been replaced before, just doesn’t look original in comaparrison to a 72T. The condenser has been replaced with a capacitor.
Even though the 62T & 72T flywheel casting and mag plates are different it appears I could swap a 72T mag’s and matching flywheel on the 62T.
Spare 72T mag plate I bought had already been refurbished with OMC coils, new condenser and nice points.
Other option is to refurb the 62T mag plate with a military coil same as I did this on my 72T about a year ago.
Better option would be use the 72T rebuilt mag plate.
Thats the plan for now.