Home Forum Ask A Member Johnson 18hp FD14 1960

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      Not an expert. I am trying to put lower unit back on, The copper water tube is short and I cannot Reach it the connect hose. I would appreciate any tips for doing this.
      Paid a pro to fix motor and impellar did not work when I picked it up. He said I could do it. I am pretty close. Not sure I will use him again as I feel he did not complete obligation and kept motor a bout a year. Oh well
      Thanks in advance if you can help or not


        Canada Member

        if the drive shaft fits in the power head…. water tube should align to the wp grommet

        working with the engine upside down may help relieve the load as you try to align things

        better check the impeller key or find out why the new impeller did not work !!!

        patience brings joy

        Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


          The professional outboard man sold me a new impella. After I had paid highly for a complete repair. That part I installed correctly. The water tube is short. I am embarrassed t to tell you how many ways and times I have attempted by myself and with help. Included up side down. I am a watchmaker so patience is something I have practiced over the years. I will continue in my efforts.
          I truly appreciate your comments and suggestions. I hope perhaps I get some more.

          Thank you very much


            Canada Member

            that water tube did not become short…so it should fit properly….

            I can’t see it close up and but since your water pump upper half looks symmetrical in the parts listing could it be installed backwards 180 degrees

            btw a 1960 18hp seems like a FD18 ?? not a FD 14 which is nowhere to be found at marineengine.com


            btw silly question but if you paid the man to fix it ….. could you not ask him to fix it good to keep a good customer ?

            Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by crosbyman.

              Thanks so much perhaps I can be lucky enough to get you when I am better=
              prepared. I will check out everthingand be more specific. I have not dived=
              back in this year. thought I would get ideas prior to diving back in.I am =
              very thrilled to get some help. I actually have had decent luck with these =
              old outboards. I know this is a simple task but it has stumped me.Sorry abo=
              ut model number. I was sure that was it.
              againThanks a million
              I will be back


                Canada Member

                you should see how long it took for me to figure out the carb cam on a 9.5hp ….till a member sent me this .. one more reason to join aomci 🙂


                Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Mumbles.

                  US Member - 2 Years

                  OK, my guess is that the repair man misaligned the impeller housing and water tube, then the tube got bent deformed when he attempted to reinstall the gearcase….So now, the water tube is actually too short because it is bent.
                  There is a relatively easy way to check my suspicions without wrestling the gearcase back on… With the engine tilted up, or perhaps upside down (be careful that debris or water does not fall down inside the exhaust housing and get into the powerhead), simply attempt to fit the aluminum impeller housing/grommet back into the exhaust housing and into the water tube. The impeller housing should be relatively “flush” with the bottom of the exhaust housing when the water tube is inserted through the rubber grommet. The water tube is definitely bent if the impeller housing must be pushed farther up into the exhaust housing in order to engage the grommet…
                  The copper water tube should pull out of the upper grommet relatively easily, post a picture so we can determine if it is bent….D


                    No rain I will be on it in the am. the Idea the copper tube will come out and can possibly be extended is good news.
                    Doing nothing until I send Photo to Fleetwin. . Hope to get a good one..

                    Many Thanks


                      US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                      Long shaft motor and a short-shaft water tube??? Just considering all options.


                        hello to all
                        Correct Model Is an FD11. I will now check your suggestion. Mr, Frank R. I have always thought lineup should not be that difficult. Perhaps
                        repairman attempted and did not want to fool with it. Seems he would have told me. He did start it up and say water pump was still not working.
                        I know he is very qualified. Oh well moving foward. Model number is all I have done this morning. I will look up parts breakdown now.
                        to get more specific info.

                        Thanks so much to everybody.

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