Home Forum Ask A Member Johnson 18hp FD14 1960

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  • #197685

      What a great Group
      i feel as if I am letting you guys down. Super info much appreciated. Please allow me to check out what you have sent. The picture of the correct length tube will help.
      Mine does not have but about maybe 3 or 4 inched exposed .That is the reason for lineup problems. As I mentioned i did not want to pull completely out until i ran it by yall. Weather has not permitted but as soon as it does I will be back to you guys.

      Thanks million


        US Member - 2 Years

        Listen to Mumbles, installing that gearcase is much easier if you have an assistant. Be very careful with that shift rod connector, the threads get bunged up easily…Painting the beveled area of the shift rod is a great idea to help properly locate the shift rod into the connector. Be sure to lube up the driveshaft splines and make sure the driveshaft oring is in place also….
        Improperly located shift rod, or loose connector bolts will result in poor shifting and major gearcase problems that are expensive to repair…

        Bill Reno

          US Member

          Does anyone have the parts diagram for a 1960 johnson fd14 18hp?


            Canada Member

            strange marine engine.com  did not list a FD14  18hp   they do have a FD13 and a 15 listed   some parts are probably the same  depending on your needs

            type  FD in the  blank space  for mdl#s listing

            Evinrude Parts & Johnson Outboard Parts at MarineEngine.com

            Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


              US Member

              Currently there is a reproduction copy on e-bay.


              Steve D

                MarineEngine has it listed wrong as an FD-18, but it is the one for your 1960 FD-14.



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