Hi guys did Johnson , OMC or Evinrude ever make a 3.5folding motor. I only see 3.3 and 3.7 in a jonson and I dont know what model would possibly be a folder. There is a 3.5 Evinrude but again not sure what the model number would be for a folder. A guy is trying to sell me a 3.5 Johnson folder.
The best bet, obviously, is to get a model number. But, barring that, here are the Evinrude "non-3HP" folding motors that I could find in Mssr. Hunn’s book:
1969 LIghtwin, 4.0HP, model #4902
1931 Foldlight, 2.75HP, model #403 & 404
1930 OMC Foldlight, 2.75HP, model #162
I couldn’t find any motor in either Johnson or Evinrude rated at 3.5HP. Sounds like your guy is "guesstimating".
The Foldlight’s came 1 year later from 1930 to 34 and
were rated a 2.75 hp. not 3.5 hp. They were branded
(decals) as Evinrude, Elto ,OMC, Lockwood, and Sea King
through the years. I believe all were rated at 2.75 hp.
There were some design variations from the early
production motors. No more folding motors till the
Lightwin / Ducktwin. Did you ever find out what this
guy has for sale?
A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.