Home Forum Ask A Member Johnson 5.5 carb issue

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      If you pump the primer, and fuel spills out from the air horn, the float is not floating, or the needle is not seating.

      Perhaps the float is catching on the gasket?

      Perhaps the float is upside down? Not to say you did that, but has happened on here before!

      Dirt in the seat?

      I test the carbs before installing. Once put together, hold it upright and blow into the fuel inlet. You should be able to.

      Now flip carb upside down. You should not be able to blow into it now.

      I do this after I clean, as I hate the taste of gas/oil mix 😉


        As a second thought, the float could be catching on the gasket, if the drop is set too low. See the tab on the float arm, the one that hits the casting for the needle/seat? That can be adjusted, to give you proper float drop.

        If that tab is sticking up in mid air, the float is upside down.

        EDIT: Is the float original? If so did you coat it? Test it in a bucket to ensure it actually floats?


          To my great embarrassment, I had installed the spring clip on the float needle upside down. It was the only thing I didn’t think to change in all of the on-and-off, apart-together with the carb. The motor runs like a top from the first pull. I don’t think it will even require much carb dialing-in. Not the first time I have made myself look stupid and I know that it won’t be the last. I hope that someone else can resolve the same issue quickly for themselves now that I have documented my stupidity. 😳

          To answer your last questions, Chris, it is a new float that came with a completely new BRP rebuild kit and was installed the correct way except in the one instance I noted above where I doubted myself and flipped it over.

          Thank you all for your suggestions. 😀


            Great! Now she is ready for the water!

            I have found, that my stupidest mistakes, are the ones I remember the most.

            No mechanic gets to the experience they have, without destroying things and making mistakes. That’s for sure.


              US Member

              I agree with Chris and I can remember questioning which way that clip fits. Glad you got it!


                Very charitable of you both! As I said, I hope someone else can learn from my slow-wittedness and save themselves some future Saturday boating time with the thread on here now.


                  Canada Member

                  clean the carb…

                  adjust everything & before mounting it blow air with your mouth on the fuel inlet …….. air should flow into the carb body

                  turn it upside down and redo the blow test… air SHOULD NOT pass the inlet needle. if it does that is why fuel is spilling out of the carb when you squeeze the bulb

                  find out why…. maybe the float is snagging …btw you do have a good float ?

                  Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                    Lifetime Member

                    Don’t beat yourself up – You are not the first, and definitely not the last to be confused as to which way that clip went.

                    . . . . . 😀


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      Glad the problem is solved. Nothing we all haven’t done before, enjoy the engine!


                        Thanks, again, to all of you for the advice and encouragement. I won’t make that mistake again, so that’ll free up room for lots of other mistakes for me to make 😀

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