Good news!
With a few adjustmets the motor now sounds strong & runs continous until the fuel in the float bowl runs outs. The weather has taken a turn to cold & snow today so I’ll have to wait a few days to put it back in the test tank.
What changed:
- I changed the fuel mix from 16-1 to 24-1. Prior to the fuel change the motor would run initally after the first few rope pulls when the cylinders & plugs were dry, run for a few seconds and then flood out and not start again. I’ll swith back and try bit richer mixture but it dosen’t seem to like 16/1. (my bottle of 16/1 does look really rich though) I’ll mix another bottle to verify correctness and try again. 24/1 is probably to lean?
- Adjusted the needle valve setting to 3/4 turn out from closed position.
- Set plug gap at .028″ (D9’s) I’ll try the vintage plugs again later.
- Put some fish paper bottom under the coil/tabs for good measure.
Pleased with the current progress & results.