Home Forum Ask A Member Johnson Model ” A” Cast Aluminum Gas Tanks

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    T….in Wisconsin

      US Member

      What year did Johnson switch from the cast aluminum to the stamped gas tanks.

      My 1923 model A # 4215 has a cast tank.

      I found  a 1924 model A # 10019 with a stamped tank.

      This suggests the Johnson model A changed to the stamped tanks  between 1923 & 1924.

      Thought I had info on this in my notes…….somewhere.



      T….in Wisconsin

        US Member

        Critcal error message attaching picture, trying again.


          US Member

          1923 was last year for cast tank,steel driveshaft tube,steel air horn,steel steering rail and tiller handle as well as a few other parts common to early A models.The cast tank was discontinued at about serial number 5000

          T….in Wisconsin

            US Member

            Thanks Stanley.

            Interesting, I didn’t realize Johnson produced the model A in both cast and stamped tanks.

            Is there any information on the serial number range for the model A’s.





              US Member

              A model serial numbers from #506 to #20,000.1924 was only year for that style tank.Also for brass steering rail,brass tiller and brass air horn.

              T….in Wisconsin

                US Member

                Again, interesting info.

                My 23 A has a brass steering rail & tiller handle but a steel or what appears to be a steel plated air horn.

                The 24 A has a steel rail and tiller handle, and missing air horn. I’ve not seen the 24 close up yet, possibly painted over brass.

                Posted pictures are “erroring out” this mornning.



                  US Member

                  It’s not unusual to find later model parts used as replacements on early A models.The early (1921-1923) models all had nickle plated drive shaft tubes,but many were replaced with the later nickle plated brass ones because of rust damage.The steering rails and tiller handles,carbs,carb levers,gas bowl nut and fuel line are also often later replacements/upgrades.That being said,who knows what happened to left over parts when change over to new model production occurred.


                    US Member

                    The cast tanks were replaced with a similar shaped stamped and welded seam aluminum tank that looked similar to the cast tank for a short time. They then changed over to the more familiar balloon style aluminum tank.


                      Motor on the left is S# 9959 having the stamped tank. Motor on the right it $# 5449. Likely one of the very last motors to come with the cast tank.  Tubs

                      A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

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