Home Forum Ask A Member Johnson MS38/MS39

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  • #271685
    Mike M

      Hello everyone… I was hoping to get confirmation on the Johnson MS38 and MS39 sausage tank.. My question is did the MS38 come with the fuel balance tube on the back of the gas tank or was this feature only on the MS39? Some history on this would be much appreciated.. thank you


        Just my experience , for what its worth, from
        the motors I have seen, and motors I have
        pictures of, the balance tube is almost always
        on the 39 but I have seen just a few 38’s that
        have had it, and visa versa. Parts do get moved
        around over the years, if this helps you any?

        A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


          First photo is a 38.

          Second photo is a 39.



            US Member

            I had this MS that I had ID’d as a 1939,
            so it concurs with Mumbles post.


            Prepare to be boarded!

            Mike M

              Thanks for the responses my MS38 tank is pretty dented up ( no balance tube) and I want to replace it with the correct tank. There is one on eBay advertised as a 1938 but it has the balance tube.. I like to keep it my motors original and try not to swap parts if at all possible.. thanks for the clarification on this..


                US Member

                I remember reading that some people have been able to remove
                the end caps of the tank, and removed the dents as they do
                for musical instruments, using “ball” like tools, etc.

                Prepare to be boarded!


                  US Member

                  I restored a few of those motors years ago and made a tool to reach down into the tank and remove the side dents after removing the end caps.  If you are the Mike M in Indiana and you are ever up near Traverse City you can borrow my tool or you can contact me and I will send a picture of the tool so you can make your own.


                    US Member

                    Are you able to post a picture of the tool here? I’d love to see it too.

                    A local chaper member here in Wisconsin sent a few of them out to a tuba repair guy and while he did a stunning job, it was not cheap.


                    Mike M

                      Thanks Loyd for the offer that is very nice of you.. I’m in Georgia.. a pic of tool would be great. Thanks again


                        US Member

                        Not sure how to post a picture on this website and it is Winter here.  I will try to get to my workshop and take a photo.  If I can post a photo here I will do so.

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