Home Forum Ask A Member JW 22 Starting Problems

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      Canada Member

      Newest motor I ever worked on.

      Mid sixties compression

      Tanks is clean, filter clean, new fuel flows freely. Carb cleaned ultrasonically, blown, new parts, bowl fills. New mag parts. Great, bright spark on both new plugs. Choked. Won’t even fire. Plugs are dry and clean. Shot some carb cleaner directly into carb. Fires and runs on the first pull. Removed and checked carb. Full of gas. Why isn’t the fuel getting into the manifold?


        US Member

        Did you inspect the reed valves?
        Crankcase sucking air?


        Prepare to be boarded!


          Canada Member

          Arg!! I can and will check the reeds but how do I check if crankcase is sucking air?


            Canada Member

            piece of paper  in from of the carb  or kleenex  should show air being sucked in.

            did you clean the top  drip chamber  under the dime size plug  and  that sneaky little side channel feeding fuel to the top idle fuel chamber ??

            if fuel does not make it to the top of the carb chamber  and out 3 small drip holes  it will never start


            Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


              US Member

              I an upper crankcase bushing and/or seal is bad, one can
              test by pouring a little oil around the crankshaft, and turn
              the engine over slowly with a wrench. If you see bubbles
              in the oil, repairs are needed.
              Of course, if an upper crank bushing or bearing is bad enough,
              you can feel “side play” in the flywheel.

              Prepare to be boarded!


                US Member - 2 Years

                OK, so it starts up if you inject fuel/fluid into the carb, correct?  Once started, how does it run and idle?  If it runs and idles nicely, then I gotta think that the choke isn’t working correctly.

                Another question:  Once you have run it for awhile and shut it off.  Will it restart OK?

                What kind of fuel are you using?


                  Canada Member

                  The only thing I didn’t change is that dime size plug. Just cut corners for time. This carb has no high speed jet. I rebuilt it as I would and have any carb. But I’m thinking they had to change something else when they eliminated that jet. Maybe that’s my problem but I will pull that aluminum plug first.

                  This is a JW 22. Do you think a carb from an earlier model, say JW 17 might work?

                  While at this, here is another problem. I set the JW 22 aside and cleaned up a JW 16. Lower end seals, etc. Mag was good but I rebuilt it’s carb using the same foreign carb kit that I used on the JW22. Hooked everything up, opened the fuel valve…and…fuel poured straight through the carb and onto the floor. What the…..???



                    Canada Member

                    if the carb is clean and theengine  has no cc vacum leak    no reason not to start ..

                    jet  orifice needles all the same   they must be clean .


                    flooding  mean the float is snagging or inlet jet  not working  properly…works like a toilet bowl  !!!

                    Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      The only thing I didn’t change is that dime size plug. Just cut corners for time. This carb has no high speed jet. I rebuilt it as I would and have any carb. But I’m thinking they had to change something else when they eliminated that jet. Maybe that’s my problem but I will pull that aluminum plug first.

                      This is a JW 22. Do you think a carb from an earlier model, say JW 17 might work?

                      While at this, here is another problem. I set the JW 22 aside and cleaned up a JW 16. Lower end seals, etc. Mag was good but I rebuilt it’s carb using the same foreign carb kit that I used on the JW22. Hooked everything up, opened the fuel valve…and…fuel poured straight through the carb and onto the floor. What the…..???


                      OK, I’m confused.  Let’s not get too deep into this and create more confusion.  How does the engine run once started?  If it runs and idles nicely, a plugged up carb seems very unlikely.   How does it start after shutting it down for a few minutes?

                      Did you check the choke linkage?   How far are you advancing the throttle when trying to start it cold?  If you are starting it in the “start” position, perhaps the cam pick up is not set properly and the throttle is closed…But, I think these carbs open the carb a bit when the choke is on, so maybe cam pick up is not an issue here.


                        US Member

                        Did you take carb cleaner and spray it through the fixed jet? It should be located in the fuel bowl. I had a problem like this on another brand recently. There was a white powder plugging the jet. Needed a wire to clear it out.

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